故事发生在1692年的马萨诸塞州,在一个地处偏远的小镇之中,生活着一群虔诚又愚昧的人们。女孩阿比盖尔(薇诺娜·瑞德 Winona Ryder 饰)是牧师的侄女,因此在镇上享有很高的声誉,凡是她说的话人们都信,凡是她做的事人们都赞成。凭借着自己的“特权”,阿比盖尔将数十名她看不惯的女子以“女巫”之名送上了绞刑架,这其中就有约翰(丹尼尔·戴-刘易斯 Daniel Day Lewis 饰)的妻子伊莉莎贝斯(琼·艾伦 Joan Allen 饰)。
As we know, there is a famous saying: “Tragedy is to tear up something valuable in front of people.” The Crucible is no doubt a tragedy like this, those villagers who are kindhearted and honest are all finally condemned to death while those dishonest and selfish villagers are still alive. The symbol of morality, conscience and faith is destroyed at last. The ironic ending of the story makes me think about what has caused the tragedy.
Obviously, we may blame on the rumors. There is an idiom in Chinese which goes “three men may become a tiger”, it means a rumor may seems real if many people believe in it. Without the rumor about the witch, there would not exist panic in Salem, and people may focus on finding the treatment for the illness rather than finding the fictitious “witch”.
On the other hand, what has caused Proctor and other people’s death is the conscience and moral principles themselves. “To be or not to be, that is the question.” In fact, Proctor is facing the same problem as Socrates: if he insist on his conscience and morality, death is the only choice. At last, Proctor have made the same choice as Socrates too. Hemingway’s sentence: “A man can be destroyed but not defeated” is exactly describing this kind of confliction.
Of course, we can also blame on the lack of science or those outworn ideas in people: if people in Salem have a good education of science, they would not believe in the existence of witch, then the ridiculous witch trail would not happen at all.
However, even though people are all equipped with science, won’t the “Salem Witch Trail” happen again?
If the answer is “yes”, we may find it difficult to explain the following phenomena. In Nazi Germany, those scientists who are knowledgeable were using their science to make all kinds of machines to kill people, which is legal in Nazi Germany. During “The Culture Revolution” in China, many scholars and professors were making up all kinds of lies and slanders. When Stalin was in control of the Soviet Union, it is common that people usually applaud for 15 minutes or more because no body is brave enough to become the first to stop……
Yes, as you can see, the real problem is the Mass Irrationality. In this kind of situation, people may easily tend to not take the responsibility of their behaviors, what they are chasing for is not the satisfaction of their conscience but the identity in the mass. Obviously, this may easily cause a danger consequence.
Therefore, The Crucible is not only a parable of McCarthyism, it’s a alarm bell to all eras.How to deal with the Mass Irrationality? I think only keep moral principles can’t solve the problem.Everyone should be suspicious of the surroundings,we should always introspect. Skepticism is a useful weapon against the Mass Irrationality.
#观影手记# 1288 4.5 类似的事情一直在不断上演,其中大规模的,远的有中世纪女巫事件,近的有文革十年。亚瑟·米勒的剧本果然厉害。DDL还演过老岳父的剧~ 。薇诺娜•瑞德实在是好演员。
为什么从来没人告诉我这比Death of Salesman好看多了?
从纯真年代到激情年代,DDL最后对Wino说的竟是:"It is not on a boat we'll meet again Abigail, but in hell." Joan Allen演得超好,而Winona Ryder是90年代美国最不怯场最惊艳的年轻演员并没有之一,每个角色随着剧情展开于不同的时间爆发,最后是DDL的激情和高潮。
western 文革?麦卡锡主义?戏精完胜的矇昧年代,私欲放大仇恨后血腥辗碎生命。无人幸免。
so white… 非常白人的電影,Winona二十歲出頭的表演是真的爛!還有這幾巴譯名是什麼玩意
太沉重了 比原作沉重不知道多少。看Lewis声嘶力竭地那一段leave my name 真是咬紧牙关。 顺便强烈鄙视中文译名。
从纯真年代到激情年代,从心机深沉白富美到毒如蛇蝎伪女巫, DD-L与薇诺娜无论是戏里的角色还是戏外的际遇都相当令人玩味呐。除去这些不谈,仅该片的立意就足以让人联想到种种文化革命,产生历史共鸣。而上个世纪薇诺娜·瑞德的德才情貌,不只风华了,只怕也绝代了。
一个人不是赞成,就是反对这个法庭没有中间道路可以走这是一个新时代 一个精准的时代我们不能再活在朦胧之中——300多年翻篇,时代变了吗?呵呵。这片儿译成《激情年代》。。。好吧,就这样吧。