Based on the original series created by Dick Wolf for Universal Television, Law & Order Toronto: Criminal Intent will showcase original Canadian stories written and produced by, and starring, Canadians. A psychological thriller wrapped in a criminal investigation, Law & Order Toronto: Criminal Intent follows an elite squad of detectives who investigate high-profile crime and corruption in metro Toronto.
热播电视剧最新电影童话夜蒲看海高速路关八战队2爱的沉浸式失惊无神群魔乱舞守护者2017英雄连2013带奥马尔回家发射倒计时:灵感4号平民太空任务1997年中央电视台春节联欢晚会心机夏令营第二季天泪传奇之凤凰无双未见其形咱家那些事攻击魔法奇缘2:解除魔法十二宫心跳时刻济公之神龙再现粤语你的我的那场暗恋黑死病: 石貂之手 第二季草莓星球来的人伊瓦鲁荷尔德林的陶一个隐形女孩的自白