Queenie Jenkins is a twenty-five-year-old Jamaican British woman living in South London, straddling two cultures and slotting neatly into neither. After a messy break up from her long-term boyfriend Tom, Queenie seeks comfort in all the wrong places, and begins to realise she has to face the past head on, before she can re-build.
热播电视剧最新电影战火中的青春2023大山深处的烛光恐怖人生雪人2017愤怒的公牛犯罪家族2015公牛2021雪色红颜基督山伯爵华丽的复仇群侠夺宝战开拓者合伙人(2018)不能没有你大阪外道功夫王之萌虎上山俄国小说专钓大鳄碧血剑2007恐袭哥本哈根一百年很长吗夏日光年真命天子(2015)天上的风黑帮之境第一季绝夜逢生 第二季唐山大地震