Eric and Quentin, hosts in a children's show, are at the peak of their television careers. On a night that is a little too crazy, they drink too much and do a little rubbish. Unfortunately, someone films their "exploits" and broadcasts the video over the Internet. It's bad buzz, the dreaded phenomenon for a public figure. Their producer gives them 48 hours to restore their image, otherwise they will be fired. The more the duo tries to get by, the more they accumulate blunders, as during the funeral of Quentin's grandmother.
热播电视剧最新电影超级飞侠第十五季火花游戏窃劫复仇岚:5×20 周年巡回演唱会“回忆录”不可掉头伟大诱惑南北狮王(国语版)哥斯达黎加婚礼血光光五人帮2地狱高中生活终曲你是苹果我是梨循环恋爱中中华英雄2004钻石岛玛拉与盗火者片甲不留2017绿巨人浩克国语电影审查员幽灵螳螂钞级布偶杀出个黎明 第一季温莎王朝2017突变我推的孩子离狼之歌