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楼上,楼下 第三季





楼上,楼下 第三季 剧照 NO.1


楼上,楼下 第三季美剧免费高清在线观看全集。

  James Bellamy has started his new job in the City but he is feeling out of sorts and is completely bored. He's also broken off his engagement with Phyllis. Lady Marjorie is planning a trip that a trip to New York to see Elizabeth and then on to Canada. Richard Bellamy is busy writing a biography of his father-in-law Lord Southwold and has engaged a pretty young typist, Miss Forrest, prepare his manuscript. When Miss Forrest comes to work on a Saturday, James orders lunch for both of them in the dining room that leads to a major confrontation with Hudson over whether wine should be served. James is trying to impress the young woman by playing master of the house - his parents are away for the weekend - while Hudson feels it is his role to ensure the rules of the house are followed when the master is away. A humiliated Hudson feels he has been put in an impossible situation and given the lack of proper standards, feels he must resign. Darker clouds lie ahead for everyone, however. Written by garykmcd

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