热播电视剧最新电影良医第五季矶部矶兵卫物语 浮世多辛苦远离天堂2015年美国公告牌音乐大奖颁奖礼时光插班生关中刀客之仁厨子独角兽学院Seule Les dossiers Silvercloud恶搞之家第十九季诡墓迷灯热舞校花团怪人阔少家的小魔头惊笑学院金吉尔和罗莎新萧十一郎 2016请叫我英雄:开战之日我们需要谈谈AI危险的见面礼2护士当家第四季高中女生我的同学不是人德云社张鹤伦郎鹤炎相声专场南京站惊天大阴谋蓝色随想地道战1965重返1993第三季Authored from a Twitter thread that goes viral, Janicza Bravo’s second feature film ZOLA makes a heavy weather of its grassroots obscenity. Zola (Paige) is an African-American waitress and part-time stripper living in Detroit who finds a fast friend in Stefani (Keough), also a stripper. Invited by Stefani, along with her boyfriend Derrek (Braun) and roommate X (Domingo), for a weekend trip to Tampa, Florida, ostensibly to earn some cash in a strip club, Zola is plunged into an unsavory 3-day escapade that ends with blood-spurting and a suicide attempt.
Purportedly based on the real story, ZOLA smugly shoves its stranger-than-fiction novelty down our throats, you don’t need a keen sense to suss some whoring carryings-on are afoot, and the two girls’ solidarity is paper thin, who can trust a friend you are merely acquaint with for a day? Zola’s own moral compass is also shonky.
That said, squatting in the moral high ground, Zola (the movie is her story to tell, Stefani’s perspective is apportioned to a short stint, but her say-so is so flimsy that whatever comes from her mouth barely holds water) becomes the reluctant minder of Stefani’s escort business, but not for once, she debases herself in the sack, on top of that, she is so canny that it makes Stefani and X, yes, he is her pimp, look like greenhorns, the two cannot even fathom a fair market price for their service. That sounds suspiciously self-boasting in Zola’s part.
I’m not saying that what Zola tells is not the truth, only by my lights, I think everyone should take an autobiographical source material with a pinch of salt, when the author remains squeaky clean amid the grubby mess, it often impairs the story’s credence. Also, the script fails to energize Zola’s own actions, most of the time, she just goes through the motions with a miffed passivity, silently passes judgment to what happens, she has ample chances to skip town but she poutingly stays, both fascinated and disgusted by the rabbit hole she descends into. Plainly put, you just cannot warm up to Zola, Paige gives a fine performance, but Zola is a cipher, she hogs the spotlight but has no flex to flourish .
Keough is at risk of being typecast as a white-trash girl of fickle and untrustworthy dispositions, no sparkles fly between her Stefani and Paige’s Zola, girl power has nothing to do with their guarded interactions. Conversely, the male actors comport themselves much better, Jason Mitchell has his moment as a slimy trickster; Braun’s gangly desperation of a schlemiel has a modicum of innocence in the center that it even feels touching, and Domingo is scary, despicable but also eloquent in incarnating X’s mutable facets, he is the real deal among the fold, yet, we are saddled most of time with two lesser creatures, in this prismatic, grainy, symmetry-abiding, faux-candid exploit that never fully rises to the occasion to be a legit sensation, and inter alia, Mica Levi's distinguishable score deserves a better story to shore up.
referential entries: Andrea Arnold’s AMERICAN HONEY (2016, 7.9/10); Safdie Brothers’ GOOD TIME (2017, 7.1/10); Lorene Scafaria’s HUSTLERS (2019, 6.6/10).
Title: Zola
Year: 2020
Genre: Comedy, Crime, Drama
Country: USA
Language: English
Director: Janicza Bravo
Screenwriters: Janicza Bravo, Jeremy O. Harris
based on the tweets by A’Ziah King, based on the article by David Kushner
Music: Mica Levi
Cinematography: Ari Wegner
Editing: Joi McMillion
Taylour Paige
Riley Keough
Colman Domingo
Nicholas Braun
Jason Mitchell
Ari’el Stachel
Sophie Hall
Ts Madison
Nelcie Souffrant
Rating: 5.9/10
帧数/FPS:23.976 帧
电影大小:24.80 GB
Dyaaamn gurrrl! This shiiit is tight & you hos are gold!! I mean not "good as sum white lefty hos Avatar good", but trailer park white trash & 'em fried chicken N water melon ghetto nigga good! U C whah I meaaan? Werk it gurrrl N twerk dat nasty biiitch phaat booty like when you did dat 148-page muddafakin' tweeter! You sing it sista! P.s. where dat white betch now at, Zola? Her kids & dat dumbassed white nigga new hubby all tight?
P.s. 墙裂推荐观影前后找来Zola当年在推特上的连载长推伴随食用
圣丹斯电影节2021年展映片,重现当年推特上轰动一时的Zola “话题”
The film is designed and structured like social media. Filmmaker Bravo fittingly makes you feel like you’re scrolling and reading through the film. It lays everything bare – the dusk laden with bewitching color and the extrinsic coolness has something endearingly personal about it. But at the same time, it also seems convenient and at home with its exciting atmosphere, technicality, and plot. So much so that the director seems to lack the sharpness it could have had. At times, the writing doesn’t have enough clarity about its liberties (if any) and something truly feels blank or rather astray about the progressions.
Fuck pimps!!! Pimp is literally the dark/violent version of my manager, Riley keough 是和我一起开车去akron的金头发不太聪明的white girl, bf 感觉像__. 😬 女孩子还是要聪明一点 有些场景挺trigger anxiety的 在一群打不过他们的男性年前不能保护自己的anxiety 其实谁都不能相信 Riley keough演得女性角色都好bitchy啊喜欢!!!
Look I’m sure it was a great tale to tell when it happened in real life and you told it on Twitter but this is cinema! We’ve seen crazier and dopier shit! This is not a cinema story. But I like this director. Hope she finds better stories in the future!
Mica Levi给加了一星
逗多必尬-07/01/21 at AMC Garden State 16
Bitch you know you love this mess
《舞女大盗》是《纽约》专题报道,这里是大热推文外加《滚石》文章;两者腔调甚至是后续的卖点营销都略微撞型(我不卖身,我身不由己),也延续那种“故事走向远比想象更复杂”的节奏;看下来不分伯仲,也难以概述这种不克制的积极效果。依然被盛赞大抵还是因为Taylour Paige出色以及音乐品味绝佳;Tampa绝美,也是夏季另种绝妙呈现。
4.0/10 分。初看,蓝光。普普通通的片子,说烂吧也没多烂,说好吧基本没啥亮点,除了妹子的身材颜值和各种男人的“鸡和蛋”。。。感觉就是看了一场脸书上的各种秀。。。90-00后的颓废堕落的无聊生活?
故事取材自真人真事,小格局,但全程都富有活力。Riley Keough 的表演也许过火了,但给观众确实带来不少乐趣。80