It's all about the drive to survive. What happens when you 'MacGyver-ize' a car? In One Car Too Far former British Special Forces operative and an American car junkie are dropped into incredible landscapes and forced to work together to survive and ultimately escape to safety. The twist, they will have to take a small red car with them. It's the perfect combination as one knows how to drive and the other knows how to survive. With no proper roads and no real supplies, the two must rely on instinct and expertise alone to make it out. From the treacherous slopes and near-freezing temperatures of a mountain top, to the wet, dense vegetation of the rainforest, they use whatever supplies they can find to turn a regular car into an all-purpose vehicle to get them over, under and through just about any obstacle in their way.
热播电视剧最新电影菲尔来蹭饭第四季一本好书第二季好久不见啊喵相对宇宙第一季热血高校2善意谎言鲨鱼啾大战乌贼娘南北纷争伊莎贝拉粤语版迷局2011血巷无路可逃1992血浓于水嗜血法医第三季特工神童2托洛茨基莫莉·辛格的再教育耶里肖愚人节河中巨怪第四季镜头前的女人老爸当家这时对,那时错吸血鬼魅影最终期限1984韫色过浓(下饭版)拾又之国 普通话版
有点意思 就是细节不够多 算是低成本广告片