Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.
对工作有爱 成果方不赖
Courage is grace under pressure.
Ernest Hemingway
欧内斯特 海明威
It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.
Tony Robbins
在你做决定的那一刻 你的命运就已经注定
托尼 罗宾斯 (美国演说家)
The world is so unpredictable.Things happen suddenly, unexpectedly. We want to feel we're in control of our own existence. In some ways we are, in some ways we're not. We are ruled by the forces of chance and coincidence.
Paul Auster
世界如此难以预测 事情总是发生得突如其来 始料未及 我们想要感受自己仍能掌控自己的存在 在某些方面可以 在某些方面却不能 我们被机会和偶然的不可抗力所支配
保罗 奥斯特(美国小说家 诗人)
And think not that you can direct the course of love. For love that finds you worthy directs your course.
Kahlil Gibran's "The prophet."
莫以为你能指引爱情的轨迹 若爱情青睐于你 自会引导你的路途
哈里利 纪伯伦 (黎巴嫩诗人) 《先知》
I hold it true what ere befall, I feel it when I sorrow most, tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.
Alfred Lord Tennyson
无论何事 我认为这是真理 最悲痛的时候 我感到宁愿曾经爱过而又失去 也不愿从来没有爱过
阿尔弗雷德 丁尼生
All sins tend to be addictive. And the terminal point of addiction is damnation.
一切罪恶都会上瘾 而上瘾的尽头是毁灭
W.H.奥登 (英国诗人)
Ghosts were created when the first man woke in the night.
当亚当在夜里醒来的那一刻 鬼魂也就被造了出来
J.M.巴利 (苏格兰小说家 剧作家 《彼得 潘》作者
A Spanish proverb says, "More grows in the garden than the gardener knows he was planted."
一则西班牙谚语讲到 “花园里长出的东西 远比园丁认为他播种的多”
I swear, from the bottom of my heart, I want to be healed,I want to be like other men, not this outcast who nobody wants.
这是我的肺腑之言 我想做个正常人 和其他人一样 不再受人排挤无处容身
爱德华 摩根 福斯特(英国作家)
- It takes something out of me,too. The scary thing is,sometimes I don't even notice it till long after it's gone.
- You know, this job ain't all milk and honey. Some days you lose.Some days you do things you don't want to do. So ask yourself this-- Where can you do the most good and still do yourself the least harm? Then make your decision. To remain indifferent to the challenges we face is indefensible.
If the goal is noble,whether or not it is realized within our lifetime is largely irrelevant. What we must do, therefore, is to strive and persevere and never give up.
oh hoo……
对我们面对的挑战漠不关心 是不可原谅的 若目标是高尚的 那它是否得以在此生实现便无关紧要了 所以我们必须做的是奋斗 坚持 和永不放弃
We are all sharks, circling,and waiting, for traces of blood to appear in the water.
Alan Clark
我们都是鲨鱼 盘旋梭巡 伺机等待水中出现那一丝血腥
阿伦 克拉克 (英国zz家)
What you survived in college is trauma. It doesn't just go way because we do good for somebody else. You need to talk to someone.Like your old man,maybe. Because I won't lecture.I'll just listen.
你在大学的经历给你造成了创伤 这不会仅因为你帮助了别人就自动消失 你需要找人谈谈 比如你老爸 因为我不会说教 我只会倾听
- You were that little once.
- It seems impossible,doesn't it,that we all start out so helpless.
- And we all end the same way.
- 你也曾是那么小的宝宝
- 感觉很难想象 对不对 我们刚来到这个世界时竟如此无助
- 最终谢幕的时候也一样
You can chain me,you can torture me,you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.
Mahatma Gandhi
你可以锁住我 你可以折磨我 你甚至可以摧毁我的身体 但你永远无法囚禁我的思想
Guilt is perhaps the most painful companion of death.
Coco Chanel
可可 香奈儿
The enemy is within the gates. It is with our own luxury, our own folly, our own criminality that we have to contend.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
敌人就在自己身上 我们应与自身的奢靡、愚昧和犯罪行为相抗争
西塞罗 (罗马哲学家)
The clock talked loud. I threw it away. It scared me when it talked.
Tillie Olsen
时钟的声响太大 我扔了它 它的嘀嗒声实在把我吓坏了
蒂莉 奥尔森 (美国女权活动家)
The first condition of immortality is death.
Stanislaw Lec
斯坦尼斯拉夫 勒克 (波兰作家
Just as the constant increase of entropy is the basic law of the Universe, so it is the basic law of life to struggle against entropy.
Vaclav Havel
如同无尽增长的混沌是宇宙的基本法则 生命也有其基本法则 就是要与无序做斗争
克拉夫 哈维尔 (捷克前总统)
To educate a person in the mind but not in morals is to educate a menace to sociaty.
Theodore Roosevelt
在思想上教育一个人却不在道德上教育他 就是为社会培养了一个威胁
西奥多 罗斯福
A man's very highest moment is, I have no doubt at all, when he kneels in the dust and beats his breast and tells all the sins of his life.
Oscar Wilde
我毫不怀疑 一个人最高尚的时刻便是当他跪在土中 捶胸顿足 忏悔自己一生所犯下的所有罪恶时
奥斯卡 王尔德 (英国作家 艺术家
The heart of a mother is a deep abyss, at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness.
Honore de Balzac
母亲的心犹如深渊 在它的最深处你总会得到宽恕
奥诺雷 德 巴尔扎克 (法国作家)
The influence of a mother in the lives of her children is beyond calculation.
James E. Faust
詹姆斯 福斯特 (美国宗教领袖 律师 zz家
By the will art thou lost,by the will art thou found,by the will art thou free,captive,and bound.
Angelus Silesius
人因意志而迷失 也因意志找到自我 因意志而被解放或束缚
安吉勒斯 西勒辛思(德国牧师 诗人 医生
Revenge is an act of passion,vengeance of justice.
Samuel Johnson
报复是冲动之举 正义的复仇??
塞缪尔 约翰逊 (英国文人)
The darkness always lies.
Anthony Liccione
安东尼 李乔内(美国作家
You see what power is -- holding someone else's fear in our hand and showing it to them.
Amy Tan
权力就是手中握住别人的恐惧 并展示给他们看
谭恩美 (美籍华裔女作家)
Parents are the bones on which children sharpen their teeth.
Peter Ustinov
彼得 乌斯蒂诺夫(英国导演 编剧 演员 )
Never interrupt an enemy when he's making a mistake.
Sun Tzu "Art of War"
Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through. Life's been good to me so far.
Joe Walsh
庆幸自己在经历如此苦痛后仍没有疯 生活对我还算不错
乔 沃尔什 (老鹰乐队成员 )
- When you first told me about Savannah,I'd never seen you like that.The decreased levels of central serotonin in your brain cause intrusive thinking.When I finally saw you guys together,that's when I knew for sure.Your pupils dilated, your posture changed,and I saw you involuntarily reach for her hand. Science confirmed it.You've found the one. Do you believe that?
- Yes.
- Then believe this. Our team loves you,and we are not going to stop until we find whoever did this.But we can only do that with a completely dispassionate and unprejudiced point of view. Paternal instinct is a deadly bias that we just can't risk.It's for your protection,Morgan,I swear.
As a good friend of mine said, every ending is also a beginning. We just don't know it at the time. I'd like to believe she's right.
Originality is nothing but judicious imitation.
伏尔泰 (法国启蒙思想家 )
Walking with a friends in the dark is better than walking alone in the light.
Helen Keller
和朋友走在黑暗中 好过一个人独自走在光明中
海伦 凯勒 (美国作家 )
I imagine one of the reasons people cling to their hates so stubbornly is because they sense once hate is gone,they will be forced to deal with pain.
James Baldwin
詹姆斯 鲍德温 (美国作家 )
Since love grows within you,so beauty grows. For love is the beauty of the soul.
Saint Augustine
随着你心中的爱慕增长 美丽也随之增长 因为爱就是灵魂的美
圣 奥古斯汀 (古罗马思想家 )
Don't you know there comes a midnight hour when everyone has to take off his mask?
Soren Kierkegaard
你不知道吗 午夜时分 人人都要摘下面具
索伦 (克尔凯郭尔 丹麦哲学心理学家 现代存在主义哲学的创始人 )
No man really knows about other human beings. The best he can do is to suppose that they are like himself.
John Steinbeck
没有人真正了解另一个人 他所能做的最多就是假设他们和自己一样
约翰 斯坦贝克 (美国作家)
Look, of all the serial killer types, the ones I find most dangerous are the hyper-intelligent ones that get off more on the mind games than the killing. They like vampires ready to suck your soul dry and file your information away for a rainy day. Well,we got what we wanted from her. I say we move on.
The sea is dangerous and its storms terrible. But these obstacles have never been sufficient reason to remain ashore.
Ferdinand Magellan
海洋充满危险 暴风雨令人胆寒 但那不是留在岸上的理由
斐迪南 麦哲伦 (葡萄牙航海家)
The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn
亚历山大 索尔仁尼琴 (俄国作家 教育家) .
于是剧情勉强和生硬 靠他们的演技弥补 有的情况-推理-及时破案 我觉得完全因为编剧是上帝。不过 难为他们编写这么多季这么多集啦 必须五星! 有一位豆友在一个小组里分享过国外一份统计 实际情况中犯罪心理行为分析结果对比最终破案结果 一致程度并不高 甚至出入极大 有的甚至十项推断里只有性别说对了 并且其他项完全天与地的差别😂
这也解答了我内心的一个困惑——好几次他们掌握的线索应该推理出更多的可能性(职业 可能犯罪地点 可能犯罪原因) 但是他们却推出了唯一并且正确的答案——这只能说时间有限、剧情需要
所以电视剧嘛 不要百分百当真 不建议将他们的推理视为教案…… 不过早期几季我觉得有很大参考价值 毕竟看得出好些剧本基于真实案件改编 就算是事后倒推也具备一定数据支持…… 现实中前段时间美有个案子 最终破案好像是靠大名鼎鼎的那位华人大佬(总记不住人名)出面推理侧写实现的?更好奇他学的那一套
最爱的E姐要接替Morgan回归。可惜听说hotch走了...能不能续订就看下一季了。Whatever,"to all the delicious friends."
Bye, everyone. Thank you all ~
这季质量real高 e11赛高!
第十一集完美水平,为什么受伤的总是reid ……最后两集质量在水平线上,看来hotch 要走了,Morgan 也离开了,急流勇退是对的。
11年了 people come, people go. 现在居然连去踹门哥都走了 Every ending is a new beginning. We just don't know at the time.
EP18,什么鬼啊!Morgan也走了,还让不让人看了啊!片头变成只有5个人了 T^T,真是好心酸!每次走人Reid宝都是最伤感的一个,摸摸。新人虽然戏份不多,特色不明,但是也好歹来了一整季,居然一直没上片头,剧组也是够狠啊!EP19,剧组这是打一巴掌又给一颗糖么,Morgan走了又把Emily拉回来客串一集。