上周五英国演员 David Morrissey 上 BBC Radio 5 Live 的 Simon Mayo 节目,宣传新片 Is Anybody There?。他在 BBC 连续剧 State of Play 中演 Stephen Collins。在被问道有没有看过电影版的 State of Play 时,他回答说没有,因为去看这部电影,就象是“去参加你还爱着的前妻的婚礼”(It is like going to the wedding of your ex-wife whom you are still in love with.)
如果 David Morrissey 去看了电影版的 State of Play,他会发现自己的角色份量少了许多,性格层次也少了--不过这一点我们可以怪 Ben Affleck 的木然表情。在电影版中,Russell Crowe 算有发挥空间的角色,让 Helen Mirren 来演主编,似乎是为了给电影中的这份 Washington Global 注入一点精英色彩,其实却是移植了她在 Prime Suspect 中的总警司角色。
说起 Is Anybody There? 这部电影的主角是 1980年代的英国一个养老院中的小男孩。片中的两个演员 Michael Cain 和 David Morrissey 都说演小男孩的 Bill Milner 是他们见过的最好的儿童演员。他的第一部电影是去年的 Son of Rambow。
http://taohuawu.net/2009/05/03/david-morrissey-on-state-of-play/It is a tightly constructed story about special reporting done by serious journalists at a fictional newspaper “Washington Globe”. In addition to the familiar elements on any major story that could break out in Washington D.C. - a rising star Congress man, a sexual scandal, multiple murders, a possible corporate conspiracy, a couple of truth-seeking reporters, some not so competent cops, many corrupted officials - the plot has enough twists and turns to keep audience interested.
I enjoyed the movie and i couldn’t say i had figured out everything before the main characters did. So that’s quite something.
What interested me even more was the ever persistent undercurrent played out through out the story: the future of traditional paper based newspaper.
When the final credit started to roll, the curious audience who stayed till the end was treated to an educational quick documentary on how a newspaper comes into being - creation of the layout, converting layout into photographic negative, etching the newspaper image from the negative onto an aluminum plate, placing the plate onto the printing press, cutting the final paper, collate the papers into one set, bundle them together, load them into trucks.
It was a bit nostalgic to watch. Even though one of the main characters, the blog writer working along side the serious real journalist, said serious story like this should be read on paper. It is obviously something the script writer wants to believe, but i hope he has enough sense to understand he is simply romanticizing a lost cause.
The Internet is fast displacing the paper based newspaper as the main information source for the readers. It is a matter of time before serious journalist acknowledge the writing on the wall. Given the technology we have today, given the ease of publishing any story on line, why should we keep serious journalist special report to an outdated 19th century technology, as beautiful as it looked on screen, it is so redundant.
It reminded me of the scene in another movie, duplicity, where Clive Own character asked Julia Roberts character running around in a vast office building looking for a compromised copier in some random employee’s office to sent a copy of a “top secret” formula. While all she really needed to do was taking a photo of it with her cellphone and sent it out as an email attachment or a MMS message.
However beautiful and incredible piece of achievement something may look, an industrial process or a dinosaur, when environment changed, then it either has to adapt to that new environment or become distinct.
Still, it was a little sad to watch the end of something so beautiful.
New York Times just ran a great article on exact this topic: Dinosaur at the Gate , By MAUREEN DOWD. Published: April 14, 2009 on-line (
"When I ask him if human editorial judgment still matters, he tries to reassure me: 'We learned in working with newspapers that this balance between the newspaper writers and their editors is more subtle than we thought. It’s not reproducible by computers very easily.'
"I feel better for a minute, until I realize that the only reason he knew that I wasn’t so easily replaceable is that Google had been looking into how to replace me. "
看个电影还碰上放错胶片,RP啊~ 演员表演中规中矩,整体风格紧凑,不过情节突转生硬了些说服力不足,音乐不错,手提摄影机风格的晃动画面看得眼晕,总体值得推荐,可惜没有特别的闪光点
3星半 总体还不错... 虽然Russell Crowe的形象很符合角色 但也太让人心碎了 T Tb