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主演:尼克·布鲁姆菲尔德,Marc Hoeferlin



哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.1哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.2哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.3哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.4哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.5哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.6哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.13哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.14哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.15哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.16哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.17哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.18哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.19哈迪塞镇之战 剧照 NO.20




热播电视剧最新电影小丑龙卷风重生2014放课后少年花子君零点爆破世界大战:袭击菲利普船长由你玩四年 第一季上海迷雾欲望快键键代理市长高调星野源巡回演唱会:流行病毒小两口冰山上的来客疫苗战争千绪的上学路他来了迷失海湾第二季冰之世界白教堂血案第四季山河之影喋血之影偶像练习生我自己的爱达荷大坂直美体育皇后(1934)


 1 ) 什么才是真实


 2 ) 当婊子还要立牌坊。


 3 ) 观后感

以纪录片的手法拍摄了真实事件改编的哈迪塞镇之战。因为对真实事件了解不多,不清楚电影与事实到底有多大出入。虽然电影情节与内核是老调重弹,但是还是有几处使我反思。重金属音乐一直反复的lies仿佛在告诉Marines这一切都是政府的谎言;最开始出现的主人公批判基地组织是一群疯子,但讽刺的是他与基地组织合作在路边埋炸弹,间接害死了无辜的平民;内心有负罪感的marine在事件发生前已经向上级表达了自己精神上的问题,但并没有得到重视与解决,后来在冲动与刺激下屠杀平民,自己深受噩梦的困扰;万恶的政客们发动战争,军队高官当时批准行动并表扬marines的出色表现,最后在事情暴露后又寻找替罪羊。就像主角marine说的一样“they don’t give a fuck about us.”最后看到新闻里的布什觉得他就是一个虚伪的war criminal,他的决定让多少人失去生命或是生不如死,不知道他自己会不会看伊战电影,夜深人静时会反思和自责吗?

 4 ) 反思


 5 ) 愤怒的杀戮




 6 ) 哈迪萨事件的英文wiki资料以及IMDB影评

Battle for Haditha (film)

Haditha killings

google translate


 65 out of 83 people found the following review useful:
Powerful & Provocative Film, 12 November 2007
Author: Black Narcissus from Maida Vale, UK

I saw this film at it's London premiere at the Odeon West End as part of the London Film Festival.

I guess Nick Broomfield was getting sick & tired of seeing Michael Moore ripping off his Documentary style so made this his Second feature film in as many years. Like the earlier film, Ghosts (www.imdb.com/title/tt0872202/), the Battle for Haditha is based on fact.

The film tells story of the events of November 19, 2005, when a troop of US Marines exact revenge for an earlier attack which killed one of their number in the Iraqi town of Haditha.

The Film focuses on three different viewpoints, the first of Iraqi insurgents, which in this case isn't some mad Mullah but an old man, who we learn is an ex-Army officer and his son. The second focuses on a Corporal Ruiz, a young Marine who you feel wants to be anywhere but Iraqi and the finally the film focuses on a young Iraqi couple and their extended family.

The film is shot Cinéma-vérité style and at times is very harrowing. But it's to Broomfields credit that he to my mind he doesn't simply demonize the US soldiers. Instead you get to understand how young men put in a situation that you the viewer couldn't understand let alone cope with, could just lose it after a comrade is killed. Likewise, in the films portrayal of the insurgent fighters Broomfield manages to make you think what would you do, if, as in the film, your a professional soldier made jobless by a an Occupying force. How do you feed your family, and wouldn't you feel some resentment to the occupation forces for making you jobless. But it's in the Iraqi families, caught between the US forces and the Insurgents that the film is at it's best. They can't do the right thing for doing wrong. It is they who bear the brunt of either Insurgency retaliation or US Forces heavy-handedness. They who ultimately will and are the losers in Film.

This is a powerful film which deals with all aspects of the problem fair mindedly, but doesn't shy away from the truth. Don't let those who haven't watched the film put you off seeing the best portrayal of the War on Terror to date.

Black Narcissus

 71 out of 95 people found the following review useful:
Made me cry., 21 March 2008
Author: bluelionk

Made me cry.

Only issues I noticed are: That the translation of the spoken Arabic is sometimes misleading and has no relation with what they actually said.

Some of the actors' accents are not Iraqi (Palestian, Egyptian, and others...), but most are Iraqis.

It's still a great movie that shows what happens in Iraq, and that war is ugly.

It's one of the rare movies that show the issue from the other side.

The acting is great, so is the scenery (it does look a lot like Iraq).

I say it again, it made me cry, a lot.


 48 out of 75 people found the following review useful:
If You Liked Bloody Sunday & United 93, 19 September 2007
Author: Movie-Jay from Toronto, Canada

I just saw this movie at the Toronto Film Festival, and it's going to create much controversy as the weeks pass until this film finally opens. I think those who are against a movie before they even see it are saying something about themselves, not the film. Watch it, and then make up your mind. This movie, like United 93 or Bloody Sunday, is told moment to moment, keeps it's head down and just moves forward without judgment or commentary. The movie isn't aware of the past or future, it only knows what it knows through the characters we follow, some of whom are American soldiers, some are innocent Iraqi families, others are terrorists. This movie does a wise thing by simply showing things from all points of view. I can't wait until it's released because it needs to be talked about.

At the premiere for the film, we learn that many of the actors on the American front are actually soldiers who fought in Iraq. The head of the platoon is especially good, and could go on and have a career as an actor.

 30 out of 41 people found the following review useful:
A story that needed to be told, 13 August 2008
Author: insomnia from Australia

It's almost impossible to be totally objective regarding a subject about which one is truly passionate. The war in Iraq is a subject that divides people like no other in recent times. As with any conflict, the war in Iraq has its supporters and its detractors. There is no middle ground. There are no grey areas: everything is just black or white. Either you believe it's a justifiable war, or you don't. This brings me to Nick Broomfield's new film, "The Battle For Haditha". The subject of the film is controversial as it deals with an incident in the city of Haditha, allegedly involving the US Marines. Broomfield uses actors, some of whom are former US Marines and Iraq veterans, as well as Iraqi refugees, to fashion a film that successfully straddles the gap between a regular documentary and a straightforward feature film. The film encompasses three points of view: those of the Marines, the insurgents, and the families who lived near where the roadside bomb detonated. This film is a fictionalised account of what actually happened at Haditha. It shows quite graphically, the horrors of war and what the Americans as well as innocent Iraqis have to go through almost on a daily basis. There are deaths on both sides, but it's Iraqi civilians who are caught in the crossfire and who have to bear the brunt of dealing with men who have been stretched to breaking point. The film in no way condones the actions of either the insurgents or the Marines. It just shows the audience what might have occurred on that fateful day, and it's for those in the audience to make up their own minds as to who was in the right and who was in the wrong. When reading some of the comments posted on the message board for this film, I find it somewhat puzzling that some contributors write that "Battle For Haditha" is anti-American. Just because the US Marines are shown in a less than sympathetic light in this film, does not mean the film is on the side of the insurgents. What the film does demonstrate is how quickly things can get out of hand, in a situation such as that in Haditha. By all means criticize a film on its merits, or lack of them. Please, though, do not label this film as un-American just because it doesn't fit a blinkered view of the way the world is.
 26 out of 39 people found the following review useful:
better than i expected, 1 April 2008
Author: SEVEREcritic from Bangladesh

i personally never heard of Mr. Bloomfield, so i had no real intention of watching this film till i saw it mentioned in the message boards for other films. that said, i must say this was the best in the recent slew of Iraq war films (like Redacted, Home of the Brave, etc.) i half expected it to be like Redacted and was pleasantly surprised to find it much better. i think it really brought out the fact that there are multiple sides to a story, and did so without too much bias. being a Muslim myself i must admit that it seemed a little inclined towards Iraqis, with Marines portrayed as undisciplined and emotionless (though one of the protagonists feels guilt and in reality this incident caused an uproar). there are no A-list actors, which in a sense, actually made the movie better because you almost see the actors as the characters themselves (especially since a lot of the dialog is improvised). i think it was well made, and well thought out. better than expected. i wonder what the US reaction would if/when it has a release there? unlike Moore's work (as stated by another user here) neither party is shown as completely innocent or completely evil. i'm not sure if this is exactly how the incident took place, but if it is, then there is certainly some food for thought in this movie.



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