来自《诉讼双雄》(Suits)的Patrick J. Adams将主演国家地理频道的新剧《太空先锋》(The Right Stuff),饰演第一个进入地球轨道的美国宇航员约翰·格伦。1983年曾出过同名电影版,描绘了美国太空计划的诞生过程以及第一批航天员诞生的历史故事。 该剧是由小李子的制片公司亚壁古道公司(Appian Way)出品的,李奥纳多·迪卡普里奥本人也将担任总制片人之一,预计2020年播出。
热播电视剧最新电影彼伯先生与美人鱼白洋淀警之光第二季斗破苍穹·止戈龙虎戏凤写不出来!?衍生剧~大学生仙川俊也的无剧情人生~边境恶警倩狐传老俞的武术人生定罪全员加速中第三季学校3将夜2魔女乌龙院抢滩大上海玩命巔峰香港奇案之字母小姐百媚千娇黯淡安吉拉公理试婚之热恋99天大人物乔今日的猫村小姐The Right Stuff
Basic information:
1983 (release date: February 17, 1984)
Production Company: The Ladd Company (financed by Warner Bros)
Director: Philip Kaufman
Writers: Philip Kaufman (written for the screen by), Tom Wolfe (based on the book by)
Genres: History, Biography, Drama
Certification: PG
Top Cast: Sam Shepard, Scott Glenn, Ed Harris
Taglines: By flying higher and faster than any other man had ever dared before, Chuck Yeager set the pace for a new breed of hero. Those that had just one thing in common…THE RIGHT STUFF.
Box Office:
Budget: $27,000,000 (estimated)
Gross US & Canada: $21,192,102
Gross Worldwide: $21,192,315
Academy Awards, USA, 1984:
Winner: Best Sound; Best Film Editing; Best Effects, Sound Effects Editing; Best Music, Original Score.
Nominee: Best Picture, Best Art Direction-Set Decoration, etc.
(From IMDb top reviews) The Right Stuff is terrific: exciting, complex, funny, crammed with memorable scenes, unforgettable lines, and wonderful actors…
If you believe the Age of Heroes is past, watch 'The Right Stuff', and you might change your mind! This is a film to treasure!
The Right Stuff tells a story that once truly happened in the American history, the Project Mercury, the first manned space program in the USA. It’s a story of seven brave astronauts as well as uncountable fearless pilots, a story about how they punch through the barrier and how they break the edge of human beings. With a running time of 3 hours 13 minutes, this movie stresses the spirits of those pilots and astronauts again and again.
There are many people with different character and positions in this film. It’s a necessary to understand this movie from some typical roles.
Yeager: The protagonist of the movie, fearless, strong-willed, emulative.
When he saw the Bell Aircraft for the first time after attending a funeral of the pilot who sacrificed in the test flying, Yeager knew that he must have a try to break the sound barrier (a phenomenon that aircraft can’t work when its speed is close to the velocity of sound). Even though he realized that is extremely dangerous. He is fearless and determined. Finally, he made it, becoming the fastest man on earth.
But when the government asked him to become one of the Mercury’s astronaut, Yeager refused. At that time, He didn’t believe in the space mission’s reliability. However, in my opinion it’s the former great success he made in the test flying that makes him be afraid of failing, trying new challenge. He lived in his former glory.
Then after his pilot teammates, Gordon, Gus and Slayton succeeded in the space mission, he realized that he couldn’t dwell on past successes with his wife’s words (the old Beer bar’s being burned in the fire symbolizes Yeager’s former glory was gone and he had to go forward). “I guess I liked the kind of man who could push the outside of the envelope. But I never could stand a man who was one of those, ‘remember-whens’.” So, Yeager flied again. He was going to find where the limit of human beings lay.
Gordon: supporting role, the Mercury astronaut, hubris, confident.
When the press asked Gordon who was the best pilot in the world at the beginning of the movie, he said, “You are looking at him”. He is hubris that time. But then after he saw his teammates finish those dangerous missions and saw clearly what is hidden behind the government officers’ public masks—no respect for the lives of astronauts and pilots, he changed his words. He said, “It’s those who put their hides out on the line, hang the aircraft out over the edge, push back the outside of that envelope and haul it back here.” The best pilots are those can be fearless and determined.
The astronaut’s wife: fearless as well.
Their husband is engaged in one of the most dangerous job, risking life every time on mission. Gus’s wife, for example, she was looking forward to meeting president’s wife after Gus returned from space mission. But things went contrary to her wises, and she collapsed. Astronauts’ wives suffered great pressure. Fearless pilot needs fearless wife. At the same time, without their wives’ support, those astronauts won’t be such brave and determined.
In conclusion the movie is not going to figure out just one hero character. It stresses that the spirit of bravery in human beings. In addition, the director wants to tell us that the advance of human civilization is achieved not only through scientists’ hard work but also those who explore with their life, fearlessly.
Main theme:
This movie talks about a story, a group of American people about individualistic heroism. In another word, it’s a film of American “Main Melody”. And individualistic heroism in the movie is expressed as bravery, challenging the limit, and sacrifice.
By setting some big challenges like breaking the sound barrier, flying to the space and landing safely for the characters in the movie, and describing their feelings as well as behaviors when facing those challenges, the director makes the people such as Yeager become fearless and eager to challenge the limit.
Other themes:
The history of Cold War
Anyway, this is a history movie. The movie’s story is mainly in the 1982-1965, when the cold war between USSR and USA was on. The Project Mercury as well as the Star War Program, was outcome of that time.
And in this movie, director uses a method of editing that mixing the movie picture with some real historic videos in order to make the film look more real. For example, a piece that vice president Kennedy standing with the astronauts. Also, there are some pieces trying to satirize the soviet union’s space project. Of course, the story itself is based a real history in 1980s.
The relationship between human beings and universe
This is not an apparent theme. Human and universe are connected in some ways. And as human beings explore the outer-space with great bravery, the universe is waiting for humankind to find out its beauty and mystery.
It’s a small detail. In the latter part of the movie, when the astronaut John Glenn flying in the low-earth orbit, there appeared a lot of sparks like glowworm outside of his spacecraft. And at the same time on earth, some aborigines who specialized in observing the stars were performing mysterious rituals around the campfire. And the campfire was reeking of many sparks just like that in the space outside of John Glenn. It is trying to express some connection, I think.
It’s a movie about bravery, exploration and heroism. With excellent editing, music and score as well as amazing frame, it tells story based on the real history. It’s a “Main Melody” movie. But what makes it special is that while telling a integrated story about American heroism it also raises some question about humankind, universe, and love.
Douban (豆瓣), //www.douban.com/.
“The Right Stuff.” Ladd/WB, 1983.
“Ratings, Reviews, and Where to Watch the Best Movies & TV Shows.” IMDb, IMDb.com,
1.5 导演没才华 就别乱拍 别用尴尬和自以为是的“幽默”填补调度水平的不足 后半段的情节 已经累赘啰嗦到不行了 最后火中涅槃重生 美国版战狼?/如今再回头看美国当年的奥斯卡提名片 尴尬程度不亚于现在:无政治正确 男人都被塑造成一副玩世不恭浪荡子的形象(是被当年詹姆斯•迪恩影响了吗)除了片中涉及非常多的大男子主义黄色笑话外 “航天事业”也基本没女人什么事 感叹一下 好莱坞这十几年的时间真的天翻地覆 以及 鼓吹英雄主义和个人主义的意识形态在83年就如此明显地显露出来了 加上处处cue俄罗斯 民族主义太明显#SIFF2019
#SIFF# 《登月第一人》的另一种风格,放大了讽刺的喜剧部分,对时任政府进行全方面调侃,但也因此流失了人物的情感逻辑,七个航天员都比较扁平。但在190分钟超长篇幅下,电影的野心不止于“展望”,同时也不忘“回顾”,通过牛仔-飞行员-航天员的演变看到时代变迁,英雄也随之更迭。而结尾直通登月计划,意味着这场变迁还将继续。
3.5/5 Americanism at its best. Respect for those who pushed the envelope. OST includes a variation of Tchaikovsky violin concerto and The Planets. (Christopher Nolan has explained in several interviews that the film was influenced by Stanley Kubrick and Steven Spielberg's family films. He also says he had his cast watch the film "The Right Stuff" by Philip Kaufman, and describes it as a "perfect film.")