在奥斯陆Hartvig Nissens上高中的一群年轻人的青春故事,每一季变换一个主角,这一季的主角是sana。
热播电视剧最新电影城里的房间辛普森一家第二十九季水晶的结构占领大医院不要走散好不好韫色过浓(速看版)永远是我的女孩极速风流喜剧王中王·前任归来善意谎言美国队长(原声版)安德烈波切利 :纽约中央公园之夜演唱会坂上之云第三部煋红夜幕2007儿女是我们的Y行动和舒立克的其它冒险对的时间对的人第二季东墙飘香梦欢迎光临娃娃屋猛鬼狐狸精(国语版)新相亲大会 第三季阿修罗道下一战歌手风味原产地·潮汕SKAM S04E07 Clip 6 - Fucking over your friends
VILDE: He’ll break up with me..
EVA: No, Vilde, he won’t.
VILDE: Yes, he will!
CHRIS: He won’t do that..
EVA: Vilde, there are some douchebags who have done this and it’s not your fault. Someone did this to you.
NOORA: It’s not your fault.
EVA: It’s going to be fine. You’re just very, very sad now.
SANA: What happened?
EVA: Someone made ellevillevillde 2 and posted lots of shit about Vilde. It’s really bad.
CHRIS: Yeah.
NOORA: Oh my God.
CHRIS: It’ll be fine. Just…
NOORA: But it’s so tragic to do that, it’s completely.
CHRIS: Yes, it’s so unnecessary.
NOORA: Yes! Unnecessary!
EVA: I just don’t understand who can actually do something like that. Like… Making hate accounts and posting shit! Oof, how fucking awful can people be?
SANA: It wasn’t Vilde who made the saranors2 account.
INGRID: No, we know. It’s Isak.
SANA: No, it’s not Isak
INGRID: Yes, it is? He admitted to it. Sara read through all her chats and found out and asked him and he said he did it
LEA: Why did he do it though?
INGRID: Something about Sara hurting him when she dumped him??????
LEA: ?????what isn’t he gay?
ISAK: What do you think you’re doing? Didn’t you say the one thing you don’t like is people fucking over their friends?
SANA: It was. It was really not my intention that this stuff would affect you. I’m sorry.
ISAK: Okay. What was the plan, then? How is it not going to affect me? Like, I don’t give a fuck if Sara’s crew doesn’t like me, but you could’ve asked me before you took pictures of my private chat.
SANA: I’m sorry. I just wanted the other girls to see how Sara actually is.
ISAK: They know how she is - they’re like that too. Why don’t you like Sara?
SANA: She’s a racist hag who. She lied to my face! And behind my back, she was scheming to throw me off the bus!
ISAK: Maybe she just wanted to throw you off the bus because you’re a condescending, bossy bitch. But like…Why are you so cold towards people, Sana?
SANA: Yeah, well, try growing up in this country as a Muslim girl without turning cold.
ISAK: What about living as a gay youth, then?
SANA: It’s not the same. No one can look at you and see you’re different. You don’t get the same looks I do. Do you know what people think when they see me, when they see my hijab? Which is the first thing they see? They think I have to wear it because I’m forced to, not because I want to. And if I say I want to, then I’m brainwashed, because I can’t form my own opinions. We’re talking about freedom of religion and so many other freedoms here in Norway, but wearing an extra article of clothing is wrong? And people think we get married out of nowhere, and that there are all these arranged marriages and that I’ll be forcibly married to my cousin tomorrow! Do you know what people do when Elias and I walk down the street? People spit after him because they think he’s oppressing me! Elias! He doesn’t even want me to wear the hijab, because he doesn’t want me to get hate. Do you know how fucking tiring it is walking out the door every day knowing it’s another day where you have to prove to a whole country that you’re not oppressed?
ISAK: Do you think that’s what people think?
SANA: Try walking one day with the hijab and you’ll understand most Norwegians are racist.
ISAK: That’s bullshit
SANA: Huh?
ISAK: That’s bullshit! Most Norwegians aren’t racist. Most Norwegians care about freedom, peace, other cultures and they want to learn about them. They care about other cultures having a nice time here, but it’s not that weird so many people are afraid of Muslims when you’re constantly reading VG and Dagbladet* writing about genital mutilation, ISIS, terror, wars and stuff like that. So... We know that most people aren’t like that. Only a few people are like that, but when you meet a Muslim person face to face you don’t know what to say. Can you say foreigner, multiethnic, multicultural or like... What is appropriate and you don’t know whether you can give a handshake to someone wearing the hijab or how to show respect or how to talk. Or how to ask about Allah. So… You just end up not asking about anything because…
SANA: Maybe that’s good, because I’ve received a lot of dumb, racist questions throughout my life.
ISAK: No! No, Sana. The dumb questions are so fucking important. If we stop asking the dumb questions, we start making up our own answers. That’s dangerous! You just have to stop looking for racism in dumb questions. Even if they seem dumb and racist, it’s so fucking important that you answer them. You have to answer them!
SANA: Who the fuck even are you? I swear, you sound like my Imam or something.
ISAK: That’s a new one. Imam Valtersen. I like it. I’m not saying there aren’t racist in Norway. There are probably a lot, but I didn’t grow up as a Muslim girl, but believe me, I’ve been where you are. As soon as you start looking for hate, you’ll find it. And when you find hate, you start hating yourself.
SANA: I’m really sorry for reading your chats.
ISAK: Don’t even think about it. I’ve done stupid stuff myself.
SANA: And Sorry for Elias and the boys being homophobic.
ISAK: Are they homophobic?
SANA: Isn’t that why they….?
ISAK: Oh, this? No, no. It doesn’t have anything to do with that. It was I who punched Mikael. I… I was just a little jealous. And then Elias came and “Bam!” knocked me down, he’s much stronger. So… But I deserved it, oh my God. If anyone touched Jonas, I’d... No, I wouldn’t. Because I apparently don’t have the strength for that. No, but... Who would’ve thought? The gay guy and the Muslim - best buds.
SANA: We’re not best buds.
ISAK: Seriously? We’re buds.
SANA: Okay, we’re buds.
ISAK: Best buds. Who is your best bud then?
SANA: I’m not sure if I have any anymore.
ISAK: Of course you have.
(*Major Norwegian newspapers)
所以你看,我们其实都不能完全了解身边的每个人的生活,Skam给了我们一次拥有上帝视角的机会,让我们把Hartvig Nissens skole这所学校的几个高中生的生活全部尽收眼底,他们彼此间不知道的事,我们观众却全都知道(跑个题:我竟然想起了二熊的振华高中系列哈哈!)就像Vilde或许会埋怨Noora和William在一起了却瞒着她,但我们却知道Noora选择隐瞒其实也是怕Vilde会为此受伤;Jonas痘哥小黑孩可能会奇怪为什么Isak不怎么想和他们玩了还谎话连篇,但我们却知道Isak那段时间都在经历着怎样的自我怀疑自我认识。所以,千言万语,我想Skam整部剧集想要告诉我们的道理就是被Noora贴在柜子上那句话:
我把所有想说的话都写在这篇文章里了,我想说谢谢,谢谢Julie Andem,谢谢五个可爱的女孩三个傻里傻气的男孩,谢谢塔爷轰母,谢谢William(你来一阵又离开了,却把我的心带走了),也谢谢那个冬天百无聊赖无意间点开第三季第一集看起来的自己。
之前只觉得sana is such a queen这季能看到她藏在背后的各种坚持挣扎和不安,编剧愿意从marginalized group的视角写一个无关仇恨分裂暴力的普通穆斯林少女的故事真的很难得很有心 LoveDoSpread;ImagineAllThePeopleLivingLifeInPeace懂的人懂不懂的人大概早弃剧了。神烦那些无时不刻都在刷Isak和E的ky
第7集里萨那和小天使伊萨克的关于穆斯林的对话简直高光时刻 我愿意为它打满分
就凭第一集p1那两分钟,五星好嘛//看到第七集,真的暖哭,全片实力诠释u saved me ,I'll save u back,这种即便慌乱,身后也有暖心理智的友情支援,太美了。
我竟然最喜欢第四季 太喜欢yousef跟sana谈宗教谈人生的台词了 整天情情爱爱就没劲了
真的太太太喜欢S4. 这一季对新一代穆斯林青少年的意义不容小觑,关于穆斯林少女在北欧国家成长时需要面对的所有矛盾点,对穆斯林的歧视,青春期成长的迷茫,编剧真的很会写,sana和yousef, isak的谈话直接把本季拉到不同于其他三季的新高度。
SANA女王气场全开,五星预定,接下来几周的精神食粮,最重要的还是看evak啦~~~(看见我眼睛里闪烁的小星星吗?⭐️🌟✨),最后一季了, 得省着点看呢😣