1 ) 幕后的boss是微软
每个人都热衷于使用微软产品,各种windows phone,笔记本不是win8就不拿出来。
还有这个小镇的CEO那个big jim,长的和包摩尔一样嘛。包摩尔刚刚下台,目测这个big jim也快了。
2 ) 没有逻辑的一部剧
3 ) 天雷之下
幸好是6集,不是我都没心看下去。 大家讨论的风和雨我也不觉的什么假,只是觉得剧中人物不是变大就是SB。官2代为什么绑他的女友?神父为什么这时候良心发现?那个警察这时候发什么狂乱开枪打死人?那个女记者的老公给人打了就算了,为什么拿枝没子弹的枪指人,反而给人干掉?SB走出马路,为什么不给货车撞死,偏要撞在那个水塔上?那2个抢肉的人也没毕要为那几块肉把人干掉?如果大家都没水喝,只要那个议员向镇上的人露个风,那个有水井的农民,你一家老小能守住你的水井吗?
4 ) 虎头蛇尾的剧集
5 ) 穹顶原理是克莱因瓶,剧情是加长版迷雾下的辛普森一家
科普下Klein bottle。。。
克莱因瓶是在1882年以发现者数学家菲立克斯•克莱因(Felix Klein)的名字命名的著名“瓶子”,这是一个象球面那样封闭的(也就是说没有边)曲面,但是它却只有一个面。数学领域中,克莱因瓶(Klein bottle)是指一种无定向性的平面,比如2维平面,就没有“内部”和“外部”之分。
6 ) 这就是狗血洒一地的剧情(严重剧透)
至于罩子对剧情有什么影响,非常不幸,没了..那就是个罩子,其他剧情完全只是发生在罩子里的,关于所谓人性的故事,故事大概是这样的,议员在发现罩子之后,就想夺取小镇的的控制权,在他控制下的部分人们开始反抗,最终战胜邪恶。。至于那丙烷,是议员用来做毒品的(meth,应该是冰毒之类的),是的,这就是小镇所谓的秘密。最后的最后,那个毒品工厂爆炸了。。放出了许多有毒气体 毒死了大部分人,之后在女主角,就是那个记者的说服下,外星人少年们同情了他们,把小蚂蚁们都放了。。。。这就是全部的狗血剧情,悬疑?科幻?各位看官智者见智吧。。
后附百科的原文 供大家参考
At 11:44 AM on Saturday October 21 of an unspecified year after 2012 (evident by mention of a faded bumper sticker for Barack Obama's 2012 re-election campaign[3][4]), the small Maine town of Chester's Mill is abruptly and gruesomely separated from the outside world by an invisible, semipermeable barrier of unknown origin. The immediate appearance of the barrier causes a number of injuries and fatalities, and traps former Army Captain Dale "Barbie" Barbara—who is trying to leave Chester's Mill because of a local dispute—inside the town.
Police Chief Howard "Duke" Perkins is soon killed when his pacemaker explodes after getting too close to the barrier. This removes the last significant opposition to James "Big Jim" Rennie, used car salesman and the town's Second Selectman. Big Jim exerts significant influence within Chester's Mill, and seizes the opportunity to use the barrier as part of a power play to take over the town.
Big Jim appoints one of his cronies, the incompetent Peter Randolph, as the new Police Chief. He also begins expanding the ranks of the Chester's Mill Police with questionable candidates, including his son, Junior Rennie, and his friends. Junior has frequent migraines caused by an as-yet undiscovered brain tumor which has also begun affecting his mental state; unbeknownst to Big Jim, Junior was in the process of beating and strangling a girl to death when the barrier appeared, and has killed another girl by the time Rennie places him on the police force.
Elsewhere in Chester's Mill, Julia Shumway, the editor of the local newspaper, is phoned by Colonel James O. Cox, who has her carry a message to Barbie to contact him. When he does, Cox requests that Barbie act as the government's liaison in an effort to bring down the Dome, as it has come to be known. Because of Barbie's talents as a former bomb factory hunter, Cox gives him the task of locating the dome's power source, which is believed to be inside the Dome. Cox is also able to foresee the small town political ramifications of such a situation. By virtue of a Presidential order, Barbie is reinstated in the U.S. military and promoted to full Colonel. Barbie is also presented with a decree granting him authority over the township. However, smalltown politics being what they are, this action is not well received by Big Jim and his misguided band of renegade police officers.
As Big Jim covertly encourages and orchestrates unease and panic among the town to build up his grab for power, Barbie, Julia and a number of other townspeople attempt to stop things from spiraling out of control. After crossing Rennie's path on several occasions, Barbie is framed and arrested for four murders. He is accused of killing Reverend Lester Coggins, who laundered money for Rennie's large-scale methamphetamine operation, and Duke's widow Brenda Perkins, who were both murdered by Big Jim, as well as the two girls Junior killed. While Barbie is in jail, other residents track the source of the Dome to an abandoned farm, and the device is strongly indicated to be extraterrestrial in origin. The restrictions issued by Rennie become more severe and the police force grows more abusive, galvanizing the town and eventually leading some residents to break Barbie out of jail, killing Junior seconds before he can murder Barbie.
The semi-organized resistance flees to the abandoned farm, where multiple people touch the strange object and experience visions. They not only conclude that the device was put in place by extraterrestrial "leatherheads" (so named for their appearance), but that specifically they are juveniles who have set up the Dome as a cruel form of entertainment, a sort of ant farm used to capture sentient beings and allow their captors to view everything that happens inside.
On an organized "Visitors Day"—when people outside the Dome can meet at its edge with people within—Big Jim sends Randolph and a detachment of police to take back control of his former meth operation from Phil "Chef" Bushey, who is stopping Rennie from covering up the operation as well as hoarding the more than four hundred tanks of propane stored there (Chef wants it all, explaining, "I need it to cook"). Big Jim underestimates Chef's capacity for self-defense and meth-induced paranoia; he, as well as the now-ostracized head selectman Andy Sanders (whom Chef has introduced to meth use) defend themselves and the meth lab with assault rifles. Many are killed in the ensuing gunfight and Chef, who is mortally wounded, detonates a plastic explosive device he has placed in the meth production facility. The ensuing explosion, combined with the propane and meth-making chemicals, unleashes a toxic firestorm large enough to incinerate most of the town.
More than a thousand of the town's residents are quickly incinerated on national television, leaving alive only the twenty-six survivors at the abandoned barn, an orphaned farm boy hiding in a potato cellar, and Big Jim and his informal aide-de-camp, Carter Thibodeau, in the town's fallout shelter. Big Jim and Thibodeau eventually turn on each other over the stores of food and water (and Big Jim's worry that Thibodeau may act as a witness against him if they survive); Big Jim stabs and disembowels Thibodeau, only to die several hours later when hallucinations of the dead send him fleeing into the now-toxic environment outside. The survivors at the barn begin to slowly asphyxiate, despite efforts by the Army to force clean air through the walls of the Dome.
Barbie and Julia go to the control device to beg their captors to release them. Julia is able to make contact with a single female leatherhead, no longer accompanied by her friends and thus not caught up in their peer pressure. After repeatedly expressing that they are real sentient beings with real "little lives", and by sharing a painful childhood incident with the adolescent alien, Julia convinces the leatherhead to have pity on them. The Dome raises up slowly and vanishes, allowing the toxic air to dissipate and finally freeing the town of Chester's Mill.
第一集 设定还行 冲着斯蒂芬金看的 不过这个设定是不是辛普森的一家里面有一集也是这样的啊!!!!
封闭空间 加 小镇不得不说的一些秘密...
2013 9月 开始感觉还不错 可惜演员没心水的后来越来越魔幻 不科学 加上一堆无爱的小青年 弃了
斯蒂芬·金 好是好来就是好
悬疑的气氛真浓 粉色星星排成一排