1此剧展现的是真实的,存在千年且越发重要的 Frobiden City 梵蒂冈,大众的好奇加上十二亿七千万的(06年10月数据)的信徒注定有很大的市场。
3教宗是全球天主教会和一大部分基督新教教徒的精神领袖,基督徒在世的代表,很少有剧作者敢于拍这个宗教题材。甚或能不差得太离谱地表达这个题材。普世人类现实中所能看到的,和展现出的是教宗的“His Holiness”,对教宗人性的发掘是本剧的重要主题,也是卖点。
5作为天主教的神父,还是要感谢这部剧,因为我们教会自己拍不出来这样收欢迎世俗作品,所以in some degree正面展现了宗教的美好。
6还是想正面传递一些信息: 教宗说他不信天主能拯救他,说的不是他没有信仰,他的祈祷确实行了奇迹。他的问题还是在于童年的阴影,在从阴影走出来的过程中解决他的自己对已是教宗定位问题。
8里面的礼仪让人困惑,目的应该在提醒天主教的观剧者,此剧是虚构的。因为三重冠(教宗的“”皇冠“”)是主持开梵二大公会议的教宗若望二十三为筹集善款卖了的,梵二会议后教宗延的很多仪式已经革新了,弥撒也是,但是剧中的弥撒还是梵二前的礼规。教宗第一次与红衣主教团讲话时大概是用的梵二前的礼仪。又 剧中教宗溜出梵蒂冈时与之交谈的女士用的是智能手机。所以时间线是剧作者故意模糊的。
9世人普遍思考心的问题—天主真的存在?具体的反应在laney的私人信仰上,同时已批判了教会的几个具体的问题,教会的官僚化,神职人员的老龄化,世俗化,甚至有丑闻,还有同性恋的问题,酗酒 在这些问题上有些是点到,有些是影射,有些是作为主要问题,当然同性恋者是不能作神父的(这是教会目前的规矩)但这个问题在剧中有所放大。为此我还专门回复了一些网友。教会神职中的同性恋问题在出了几桩丑闻后更加重视了,现在有心理学的方法可以查出来,通常教会不接受这种类型做神父的。所以是极少数但这些少数确实给教会和社会带来很强的破坏。
Let me explain something to you, that you, in your long life, have not yet had the occasion to understand. Friendly relationships are dangerous. They lend themselves to ambiguities, misunderstandings, and conflicts, and they always end badly. Formal relationships, on the other hand, are as clear as spring water. Their rules are carved in stone. There’s no risk of being misunderstood, and they last forever. Now, you need to know, I do not appreciate friendly relationships. But I’m a great admirer of formal ones. Where there are formal relationships there are rites, and where there are rites the earth order reigns.
Staring today you have to lead the church, one billion people. One fifth of the world’s population. Do you understand what I’m saying? One billion people will depend on what you say and do. They’ll make important decisions, happy or sad, of life or death, in order to obey you, in the name of God. All of this creates a new perspective. An immense perspective. Now, your personal aches, your enormous sufferings, your terrible memories... it’s a harsh thing to say, but I have to say it, they must take a back seat. They are things of this earth. I know all your sorrows, I’ve lived with them together with you, I’ve went over them with you, but now the tie has come for you to let your sorrows to fade, go become irrelevant, distant memories, insignificant, vanquished, destroyed and overpowered by the terrible responsibility that God has given you. From now on, you are no longer Lenny Belardo, the fatherless, motherless boy. From now on, you are Pope Pius XIII, ...
从今天开始 教堂就由你领导了 十亿人 世界人口的五分之一 你懂这责任有多重大吗?十亿人都在看着你的言行 他们会无视个人的悲喜 甚至是生死 只为以上帝的名义遵循你的指令 所有的这些萌生了全新的视角 一个浩瀚无边的视角。从现在开始 你个人的痛苦 哪怕是巨大的折磨 你的健忘的品性…这说起来很残酷,但我还是要说,这些东西都要退居次位了。他们在上帝面前轻如鸿毛。我了解你的悲伤痛苦,我和你一起忍受着他们,我也曾经陪着你一起流泪,但是现在是时候让你的悲伤痛苦消逝,变成无关紧要的遥远的记忆了,使它被上帝赋予你的巨大责任而蔑视 征服 摧毁 俘虏。从今往后,你将不再是xxx,那个无父无母的小男孩。从现在开始,你就是庇护十三世教皇,...
Let’s not utter heresies. It’s death to settle for things in life.
You’re simplifying the future to an unhealthy degree.
You’re too tied to the past. The past is an enormous place, with all sorts of things inside. Not so with the present. The present is merely a narrow opening, with room for only one pair of eyes. Mine.
which is my predecessors, who favored sobriety over tradition, imprudently let go.
It’s very difficult to keep anything secret here in the Vatican. Rumors fly so quickly that sometimes they arrive even before the event has taken place.
It’s quite a useful piece of information for my future.
Which is exactly what it was intended to be.
Ever since I was little, I’ve learned to confound people’s ideas on what’s going on in my head. Not only that, I’m also intransigent, irritable, vindictive...and I have a prodigious memory.
从我很小的时候起,我就学会了用在我脑中的东西去混淆人们的想法。不仅如此,我还从不妥协 性情急躁 报复心强...而且我拥有惊人的记忆力。
I would like to get back to my good works. Or bad ones, that remains to be seen. 谁也说不清
This place smells like incense and death. I prefer the smell of shit and life.
A most edifying anecdote 这真是一个极具启发意义的轶事
I don’t want to waste your time, so let me come right to the point of my visit
Try to keep up with me, if you can. 试着跟随我的思维 如果你能做到的话 - I’m right with you.
pope: cardinal, bishop
Author: x Philip Roth; Salinger
Film director: x Spielberg; Kubrick
Contemporary artist: x Jeff Koons, Marina Abramovic; Banksy
Electronic music group: daft punk
Italian female vocalist: Mina
Now do you know what it is, what the invisible red thread is that connects them all, all these most important figures in their respective fields? None of them let themselves be seen. None of them let themselves be photographed.
Of a city state so small that it has no outlet to the sea, and in order to survive, it’s leader has to make himself as unreachable as a rock star. The Vatican survives thanks to hyperbole. So we, we shall generate hyperbole, but this time in reverse
这个城邦国家是如此的小 连出海口都没有 为了生存 它的领导者不得不把自己塑造成摇滚明星那样可望而不可及的形象。多谢这浮夸的手法 梵蒂冈幸存了 所以 我们应该适度夸张 但是这次我们应该反过来想
The famous total stalemate 著名的僵局
They all went white when they heard the name I’d chosen, and I reveled in their fear
听见被选中的是我 他们脸都白了,而我得意于他们的惊恐
I don’t understand, what are you getting out of all of this?
It’s a genuine miracle that this assembly generated an idea. A first-rate idea.
我们几个能达成共识真是奇迹 真是妙招
Typical plebeian reaction: to hate when you do not understand
典型的愚民行为 不理解就开始厌恶
Will you allow me, given my venerable age, a vaguely critical observation?
鉴于我的高龄 能否允许我表达一下我略带偏见的看法?
absence is presence. These are the fundamentals of mystery.
缺席也是出席 这些都是保持神秘的基本要素
Tell me right now, or what you’ve seen so far will be nothing but a foretaste of the macabre banquet that will bring on the ruin of the Church. Explain it all, right here, right now, because even a second later will be too late.
你现在就和实话实说 否则你现在所看到的一切 都将是最后的午餐 而教会将会元气大伤。现在给我解释清楚 晚一秒都不行
I so wish that I could have been ... as you were, TIME, PLACE. Instead, I became a priest for lack of a better alternative.
我如此希望我可以遭遇过 ... 像你一样. 相反 我没有其他更好的选择 只能当神父
It requires a great overarching vision, I imagine. 它需要一个包罗万象的视角
What about the fact that such a sizable group of men have eyes only got a handsome man, and pay no attention to such stunning feminine beauty? 你有没有注意着人群里男人这么多但他们的注意力完全在那个英俊的男人身上,而完全忽视了这样一位美丽的女子?
I know exactly how to answer that question. With the silence.
我完全清楚该怎样回答你这个问题 以沉默来回答
Now, I ask you, please satisfy my morbid curiosity:
现在 我想问您 请满足我病态的好奇心
In time you will
It’s a substitute for the real thing. What I want, always, is the whole truth.
这只不过是一个真东西的替代品 我想要的 一直都是真正的东西
From a broader point of view, the individual case is always an indicator of a larger issue. Let’s widen the circle.
以一个更为广阔的视角 独立案件总是大事件的前兆 让我们扩大范围
You couldn’t get to sleep 你还是睡不着啊
The evening doesn’t console me 夜晚无法给予我慰藉
Like when we were kids
I’m glad that you find a moment to say hello to me 你能来跟我问好我真的很高兴
How could you doubt that I’d come? 你怎么能怀疑我会不来呢
I love God because it is so painful to love human beings. I love a God that never leaves or that always leaves me. God, the absence of God, always reassuring and definitive. I am a priest. I have renounced my fellow man, my fellow women, because I don’t want to suffer, because I’m incapable of withstanding the heartbreak of love, because I’m unhappy, like all priests. It would be wonderful to love you the way you want to be loved, but it’s not possible. Because I am not a man, I am a coward. Like all priests.
我爱主是因为 爱凡人是如此痛苦 我爱主 无论他对我不离不弃亦或弃我不顾 主 和主的缺席 总能使我安心而坚定 我是神父 我已背弃了我的男信徒 我的女信徒 因为我不想遭受痛苦 因为我没有能力 去承受爱的痛心之感 因为我不快乐 就像所有神父一样 如果我能以你所想的方式去爱你 那会很美好 但那不可能 因为我不是一个男人 我是个懦夫 就像所有神父一样
It’s pointless for you to go on pretending nothing happened. Something extraordinary happened there.
装作若无其事对你来说没有任何意义 那里发生了一些非常不同寻常的事
I don’t feel like talking about it.
Her hair was parted in the middle long and on the sides
她留着中分的发型 长发垂于两边
I know everything a powerful man needs to know about the people he works with. And I am the most powerful man of all.
我知晓作为一个权高位重的人 应该对其共事者所应知晓的一切 而且我是这里最有权势的人
We need to go back to being prohibited. Inaccessible and mysterious. That’s the only way we will once again become desirable. That’s the only way great love stories are born. And I don’t want any more part-time believers. I want great love stories. I want fanatics for God. Because fanaticism is love. Everything else is strictly a surrogate, and it stays outside the church. With the attitudes of the last Papacy, the church won for itself great expressions of fondness from the masses. It became popular. Isn’t that wonderful, you might be thinking! We received plenty of esteem and lots of friendship. I have no idea what to do with the friendship of the whole wide world. What I want is absolute love and total devotion to God. Could that mean a Church only for the few? That’s a hypothesis, and a hypothesis isn’t the same as reality. But even this hypothesis isn’t so scandalous. I say better to have a few that are reliable than to have a great many that are distractible and indifferent. The public squares have been jam-packed, but the hearts have been emptied of God. You can’t measure love with numbers, you can only measure it in terms of intensity. In terms of the blind loyalty to the imperative. Fix that word firmly in your souls: imperative. From this day forth, that’s what the Pope wants, that’s what the Church wants, that’s what God wants. I know you will obey, because you’ve already figured out that this pipe isn’t afraid to lose the faithful if they’re been even slightly unfaithful, and that means this Pope does not negotiate. On anything or with anyone. And this Pope cannot be blackmailed. From this day forth, the word “compromise”, has been banished from the vocabulary. Ive just deleted it.
我们得要重新闭关 不可接近而又神秘 这是我们能再次拥有价值的唯一办法 也是伟大之爱的故事诞生的唯一途径 我不需要任何临时的信徒 我想要伟大之爱的故事 我想要为上帝寻找狂热信徒 因为狂热才是爱 其他一切都是替代品 必须待在教会之外。在上一届教皇的积极下 教会为自己赢得了许多民众的喜爱 变得受欢迎 那不是挺好的吗 你可能这样想 我们收获了如此之多的尊敬和友善 我不知道要怎么样去面对着整个世界的友善 我想要的是对上帝绝对的爱和完全的忠诚 那意味着教会只是为少数人准备的吗?这是假设 假设和现实不一样 但即使这个假设没有如此难言 比起拥有不专心而又冷漠的一大群人 还是拥有少却可靠的人更好 公共广场已经拥挤不堪了 但他们心中却没有上帝 你不能用数量来衡量爱 只能用强度来衡量 根据绝对服从命令的原则来衡量 用你的灵魂牢牢记住这个词:命令 从今天起 这就是教宗想要的 这就是教会想要的 这就是上帝想要 我知道你们会遵守的 因为你们已经明白 这个教宗并不怕失去信徒即使他们只是稍微的不忠诚 而且那也意味着 这个教宗不会做出任何让步 也不会被要挟 从今天起 妥协 这个词 已经从词汇表中去掉了 我刚刚删除了
It’s a natural cycle 自然周期问题而已
I loved you for the way you were... not for the way you ought to be.
我爱你们原有的样子 而不是应有的样子
It had slipped my mind 我差点忘了
There’s another element worthy of your consideration 还有另外一个因素值得您注意
I’m glad we’re finally beginning to talk sense. 我很庆幸我们终于开始讲道理了
the whole world is dying of curiosity. We all want to see that which is hidden, we all want to stare the forbidden in the face. 整个世界都是好奇的要死 我们都希望去查探那些隐藏的东西 我们都想去直视那些禁止看的东西
Unlike us, he’s finally going to find out the way things stand. 不像我们 他终于可以参透万物之理了
If you gave up now, now that you’re faced with the burden of responsibility and your own guilty conscience, when will you ever grow up?
如果你现在放弃 你就要面对责任的重担和良心的谴责
Remind him, of all our endless late-night conversations, in that big one-room dormitory, under the blankets, how we whispered in secret about our one and only, inexhaustible topic. If discussion: our future. We were children then, and that’s what children do: they paint the future in colors that reality can never know. Remind him not to grieve over all our shattered dreams. We wanted to live the lives of the great baseball player, the elderly gas station attendant on the country road, the heroic soldier, the lowlife new your musician, the fireman, the blue-water sailor. Remind him not to weep when he remembers that instead we lived only the simple, drab life of the priest, such a strange life, a life of hope and prayer that you,
请让他常记我们深夜之中在那宽敞的单间宿舍里无穷无尽的交心之谈 就坐在那毯子上 怎样悄声细语地讨论着 那恒永不变的永不乏味的话题:我们的未来。那时我们还是孩子 孩子就是会这样 动情地描绘着不可预知的未来 请告诉他 不要再为所有我们夭折的梦想而哀悼了 我们想过要成为伟大的棒球运动员 做那乡镇小路旁有年头了的加油站的工作人员 成为应用英勇的战士 或是纽约的底层乐师 亦或是成为消防员 海员。请让他常记 不要悲伤 当他想到 与梦想相反 我们只是在做简单乏味的神父工作以度冷淡的人生 每天都在寄望和祈祷着
Weigh your words carefully 你还是好好措辞一下吧
We’ve failed to follow the eternal, unchanging principle of the carrot and the stick. 我们没能沿用永恒不变的办事原则 软硬兼施
I am the pope, and I’m going to remain pope until the day I die. Because I’m curious to se how it all turns out. 我才是教宗 到死都是 因为我想知道这一切的结局
You no longer need to deal with the enthusiastic of youth, now you must grapple with disenchantment and the limitations of the rational 你无需再面对青春的狂热 而是要挣扎于突降的清醒 为理智的局限所困
You don’t believe in God but that shouldn’t upset you. Even though you’re pope. There’s still another path that’ll allow you to find the people and things you are looking for, even if you can’t see it now. Because all you can see before you now are your own doubts and the darkness. If I show to you (another path), then the adventure is over. Your life, your papacy, is an unforgettable adventure? 虽然你不信仰上帝 但也不用为此忧虑 依然存在另一种途径让你找到你在寻找的人和事 只是你现在看不见罢了 你现在能看到的只有迷惑与黑暗 如果我告诉了你 那么一切就都结束了 你的生活 记得教宗职位是一段难忘的奇遇
The morbid curiosity prompted by absence.
The question here is, what exactly does it mean to be a good person? A good person is somebody who puts himself last, who renounces his own temptations and needs, working only for the interests of others. Now, think carefully and answer sincerely, because I won’t put up with even the tiniest lie from you: are you a good person? 什么才是一个所谓的好人 一个真正的好人是要将自己放在最后一位 放弃自己的欲望和需求 只为满足别人而工作
There seems to be some kind of misunderstanding concerning the meaning of my visit here to you. You think I’m here to go out you. In fact, I’m here to ascertain your temptations. 你以为我是给你带来荣誉的 事实上 我是来摸清楚你的诱惑到底是什么
You don’t know how wonderful peace is. You have no idea how disconcerting peace can be. 你们不知道和平有多么的美妙 你们不知道和平有多么的令人惊惶
We all deserve the right to start over 我们都拥有重新开始的权利
the world is always ready for love 这个世界总是准备好去爱
What is more beautiful, my love? Love lost or love found? Don’t laugh at me, my love. I know it, I’m awkward and naive, when it comes to love, and I ask questions straight out of a pop song. This doubt overwhelms me and undermines me, my love. To find or to lose? All around me, people don’t stop yearning. Did they lose or did they find? I can’t say. An orphan had no way of knowing. An orphan lacks a first love. The love for his mama and papa. That’s the source of his awkwardness, his naïveté. You said to me, on that deserted beach in California, “you can touch my legs.” But I didn’t do it. There, my love, is love lost. That’s why I’ve never stopped wondering, since that day: where have you been and where you are now. And you, shining gleam of my misspent youth, did you lose or did you find? I don’t know, and I will never know. I can’t even remember your name, my love. And I don’t have the answer. But this is how I like to imagine it, the answer. In the end, my love, we have no choice. We have to find.
那一个更为美好 我的爱人 失去爱还是寻回爱 别嘲笑我 我的爱人 我知道 我很笨拙天真 在爱情方面 我问出的问题直接来源于流行歌曲 这种怀疑压垮了我毁灭了我 我的爱人 去寻找还是失去 在我身边 人们总是在向往着 他们是失去了还是找到了 我不知道 一个孤儿无从知晓 一个孤儿缺少了他的第一份爱 对他父母的爱 这就是为什么他会笨拙 会天真 那么 我的爱人 这就是失去爱 这就是为什么我自此一直在疑惑 你去了哪里?你现在在哪儿?还有你 我荒废青春里的闪烁微光 你是失去了 还是寻得了 我不知道 我永远都不会知道 我甚至记不住你的名字 我的爱人 我也没有答案 不过就是我愿意想象的答案 在最后 我的爱人 我们别无选择 我们必须去寻找
You have no idea how many objectives can be obtained by humiliating ones fellow man. But there’s a secret to it. The person humiliated can’t be realize they’d been humiliated.
你无法想象通过羞辱你的一个同胞能实现多少目标 但是有个秘诀 被羞辱了的那个人不能意识到他被羞辱了
Diabolical 恶魔
All I remember of my childhood it is one day it wasn’t there any more. 我所能记起的童年只有在某一天我的童年再也不复存在了
I intend to shake things up a little 我想要略微地做出一些改动
When she was 15 she went to see the children at the hospital and always brought tangerines with her. And she didn’t care whether they ate them or not. But she wanted them to peel them and to play at squeezing the peels, and spray each other with the bright and unforgettable scent of that fruit. Then she told the children: I will go away from you and you will go away from me, but it doesn’t matter, because all that we left on this earth is the scent of goodness. 因为我们留给这个世界的只有善意的香气 that goodness, unless it’s combined with imagination, runs the risk of being mere exhibitionism. 善意 除非是与想象相结合 只需要承担被展现的风险
You need to learn to settle for what you get 你得学会知足常乐 I don’t want to settle 我不想这么轻易满足
Infinite is your compassion, infinite is your capacity for forgiveness 您真是悲悯无尽 宽容无尽
but in the words of the Nobel laureate Brodsky: beauty at low temperatures is beauty.
诺贝尔得主布罗茨基说过 低温下的美才是真的美
Where you’ve always wanted to be, with children. You’re an orphan. Orphans want to stay with children forever.
I’ve always known. It’s difficult for a Saint, to answer all the questions of humanity 对一个圣人来说 解答所有凡人的问题总是很难的
In the end, we all have to go back to where we began. 最终我们都要回到开始的地方
And you, when will you go back to where you began? You began with two hippie parents. I’ve stopped searching for my parents. I’ve stopped searching for God. Never say that again. The truth is you’ve never searched. You’ve been hiding yourself.
每一帧都想截图,BGM神圣到令人想哭,不是很懂但好像又懂一点编剧想要表达 什么,让人充满幻想的空间。裘德洛真的把这个角色演的很立体,安妮霍尔的女主角来演sister mary实在太棒了,甚至意大利口音的大臣都很有感觉,最后一集的演讲让我这个不信教的人都觉得,太神圣了!
美式人格呓语和意式绚丽梦境。Lenny Belardo这姓名多像位摇滚明星,他也正如巨星热爱崇拜目光,无限迷人的自我膨胀,离经叛道下又是于已严苛的度量,Jude Law献上了他近年来最诱人的表演。宗教和政治里从来都是魔鬼,无非他是如此威严美丽,结尾源自“上帝”的注视补上最后两集文本素材的缺乏
裘德洛演技大回归,师傅病危的时候对着所有的仆人哀伤的说I love you all;师傅死掉的那一刻哭得像个小孩;布道的时候看到亲身父母后也终于释怀了自己的被抛弃。抽烟打篮球的修女玛丽和长颗大黑痣的圣座国务卿居然相爱了,多么有趣的故事。画面精美,对话幽默,演技爆发,音乐配的太妙。
4.5 年轻气盛里飞扬跋扈才气逼人的索伦蒂诺这次有过之无不及,好想问他是否受到齐奥朗著作的启发,表面惊世骇俗,并非为哗众取宠或颠覆宗教传统,从非洲饮用水事件到性丑闻,年轻的教宗想整顿何为真正的信仰和平爱与救赎,剧集气质优雅,融合现代与古典的音乐品味,有评论说裘花是上帝派来的黑涩会哈哈
带着美式摇滚+意式咏叹调的预期却意外收获一个梵蒂冈式后摇,和满篇 SAT 词汇。这个依旧漂亮的蓝眼睛终于在秃顶前当上了教宗,然而身边却没有个会开直升机的爱尔兰教皇内侍,想想俩人都还是原教旨主义呢。