Blatantly subversive, bawdy and lecherous, Almodóvar’s KIKA isn’t for those faint-hearted or prudish, in this ubiquitously crimson satire of insidious perversion, Forqué plays the titular Kika, a simple-minded make-up artist unwisely becomes romantically entangled with a step-father-and-son pair, Nicolas (Coyote) is an expatriate American novelist and Ramón (Casanovas), his stepson, is a fashion photographer.
Morbidity seeps from the word go, Rafaela (a cameo by López), Nicolas’ wife and Ramón’s mother, apparently injures Nicolas and kills herself with a pistol; the first time Kika meets Ramón, he is presumably dead but she magically resurrects him (which is reprised in a similar scenario near the coda); another key player is Andrea (Abril), whose nickname is “Scarface”, a psychiatrist-turned-reality-show-host, tricked out in proper outlandish, sometimes futuristic Gaultier garb, she is fanatically thirsty for anything that is violently wanton and visually obscene to ramp up viewing ratings, not to mention she is Rámon’s ex and not willingly to have a “no” for an answer.
As the plot thickens, all sorts of kinks are strewn along the way at the expense of Kika’s mishap (sometimes fittingly synchronized with Almodóvar’s choice selection of reused accompaniment, a suite from PSYCHO for instance), she is two-timed, betrayed by her best friend Amparo (Alonso), gets ravished by a virile convict-at-large Pablo (Lajusticia), who is a former porn star, not entirely compos mentis, an incest committer with his sister Juana (de Palma), who happens to be Kika’s maid and doesn’t belie her sapphic feelings for her. Furthermore, it slowly turns out, the two men in Kika’s life, are nothing if not perverse, Nicolas turns out to be a ruthless murderer (whose latest lurid novel could be his autobiography) and Nicolas, a catalepsy-prone scopophiliac creep, both reveals are masterfully cued by Joseph Losey’s THE PROWLER playing on the screen.
On paper, it is hard to imagine how to make a farcical meal out of those aforementioned atrocities, but in the hands of a genius like Almodóvar, even the most horrendous happenstance can be slyly modulated into jolt audience’s funny bone. Taking the extreme example of Kika’s rape, only Almodóvar can get a hall pass for depicting it as laughing matter exactly because he doesn’t self-consciously shy away from it, conversely, he ingeniously prolongs the process (Pablo needs to ejaculate 5 times to feel sated) to a surreal scenario (he is driven by primal desire purely, there is little menace involved), which is also side-splittingly helped by the facetious assistance of a chair-bound Juana and two ham-fisted cops (Bonilla and Elejalde). Sex is fun, Almodóvar’s own queer identity attests, being ravished by a young stallion is nearly palatable as long as physically violence is strictly kept at bay.
Forqué, finally upgraded to a leading role in an Almodóvar picture in their third collaboration, perfectly sublimates Kika’s befuddled naivety into a winning combo of compassion and lovability, her trademark overbite and auburn pelt distinguishes her from those tacky screen bimbos, and she convincingly sustains Kika’s characteristically devil-may-care sanguineness to a fare-thee-well, to a brilliant ending evinces that she is the type who is jauntily immune to any number of nervous breakdown.
By comparison, her two male co-stars fare less effective, Coyote seems to habitually wallow in a broody or foul mood and Casanovas is too wet behind the ears to delve into Ramón’s broken psyche. Thus, it falls upon Almodóvar’s other two stock players to save the day, de Palma tops off the movie as a first-class comedienne without debasing Juana’s primitiveness and candor; yet, the most delectable class act is Abril, under Andrea’s over-the-top, eye-opening outfit (a helm-mounted camcorder comes rather handy), throbbing a monstrous soul represents what is morally wrong about the now rampant reality show plethora, Abril is perversely relentless and exhibits Andrea’s wickedness all over the place till the last gasp.
Other than a tried-and-tested garish trendsetter, a whip-smart tale-teller and a taboo-flouting feminist, in KIKA, Almodóvar also asserts himself as a prescient social commentator, after all, “I don’t want my rape to sell more milk!” is Kika’s only anathema, that rather speaks volumes in a picture teeming with backdoor human proclivities, both mortal and venial.
referential entries: Almodóvar’s I’M SO EXCITED! (2013, 6.7/10); WHAT HAVE I DONE TO DESERVE THIS? (1984, 7.0/10).
整体是三幕剧。波兰斯基与阿莫多瓦公认的“性能力强、性心理变态恶男”Peter Coyote和养子Ramon之间的杀气,在kika为Ramon化妆时达到顶点——你会怀疑养父杀了儿子。而kika与父亲的性关系,又在儿子求婚后形成不伦的三角关系,不断拉扯观众的神经。强暴段落打断了父子间的张力,再次调整观影预期,但酒神般的Pual站在阳台射精后一跃而下,离开了观众视野。这才宣告其变奏工具的作用。高潮来临,没心没肺、肤浅热情、喋喋不休的kika收束了全部悬念,宣告订婚戒指是厄运之源,重新踏上陌生爱恋的道路。
数不尽的恶趣味,擦拭腋下汗水的女模,腋毛醒目、胸前探照灯刺目的女记者、被调侃"丑出特色“的Rossy de Palma,刺探kika股间的橘瓣----热烈炫目的阿莫多瓦。
中段笑惨了,都亏萝西.德.帕尔玛。这部黑男人,也黑媒体,在《捆着我绑着我》里女神般的Victoria Abril在这部甚是可鄙,简直不能归到阿莫电影的“女性角色”里,而只是狗仔代言人(spokesperson)。荡女基卡荡在末尾,但转折略嫌突兀。
我有点混乱。后来想想,觉得有点似曾相识。 传说中的御用马脸女
阿莫多瓦这部……咋说呢,剧情可以说十分狗屁不通,但实在是烂得太有趣了(充满了谜之camp趣味)。其实连环杀人狂尼可拉斯和偷窥狂雷蒙这对我有嗑到……太奇怪了,但是结尾雷蒙昏过去的时候尼可拉斯把他扔床上摆弄了一下看得我幻肢激动一秒……@ Cinexpress
3.5 剧情实在是过于癫狂了实在无法描述,大概也不想管那么多逻辑之类的了怎么变态怎么来。相比起来这几年阿莫多瓦的片子简直像捆着手脚拍的😂。看他的电影很难不被西班牙的热情感染!
B+ / 惊喜,视听体系已然极其成熟,几乎可以五星了。与此相随的则是叙事结构上的微妙调整。大多数阿莫多瓦作品总是有种滂沱而下少有断续的动力,但是这部却显露出鲜明的段落感。尤其是第三幕几乎是化用了类型片手法完成了一次“阿莫多瓦式悬疑”的提炼:主人公的漫长缺位让各式配角落入一种歇斯底里的凝滞,而这种凝滞却又拥有将主人公重新“引诱”回故事场域的力量,从而在一种喧哗而多声部的语调中召唤救赎的可能。