天有不测风云,正在事业家庭都美满的空档,作家和妻子一同开车回家的途中出了车祸(看到这里要表示一下,开车期间一定杜绝嬉戏打闹,不要觉得自己是老司机就可以掉以轻心了,一定要将注意力集中在驾驶上!)。女主正在家里期待父母回家为自己过生日,结果只等到了母亲去世的消息。 葬礼之后作家一蹶不振,精神情况变得越来越糟糕,被送去了精神病院。女主那时候14岁,正值波澜壮阔的青春期,遭遇母亲离世,父亲疯掉的重创,不得不被送到养父母家去生活。养父母对女主虽好,但是女主从小就受作家父亲的熏陶,对世俗生活有点反感。
1、我太喜欢里面对一些感觉的表达了,开场艾米莉在浴缸里的那一幕十分吸引人。 “生活变化很快,就像幕后的山脉一样。有一天你醒来却不知道你是怎么到这里来的。然后你想,我睡了多久,我去了哪些地方,然而你什么都想不起来,所有的一切都与你上次醒来的时候不一样了。时间一年一年地过去,你非常明确地知道你将会死去。然后便出现了选择,继续睡觉,然后希望下次你醒来的时候,已经解决了这件事,而且也很开心。或者,你继续醒着,和这些差强人意的环境作斗争,去创造任何能够爱的东西。如果你躲避死亡,那么你就在躲避生活。” “街道总是延绵不断,但没有一条通往大海。游到最深处,下沉,下沉。游到最深处。”
“这个国家,城市,街道里都弥漫着悲伤。田地里和树林中也弥漫着悲伤。悲伤是无法隐藏的。失去我们所爱的人的事实,孤独的事实,事实只是观点而已。观点是可以改变的。” 2、事实是观点,因为大多数人都同意,所以观点才成为事实。也正因为事实是观点,所以事实也会改变。刘擎教授的《刘擎西方现代思想讲义》也提到尼采的视角主义。电影剧情的理解是:我们可以改变自己对生活的视角。通过重新构建视角,我们可以创造出新的事实。我们可以把自己视作一个人,一个人是孤独的。但我们也可以打开自己,把自己视作一个家庭的一份子,重新理解家人对我们的伤害,也可以构建新的关系,我们可以重新与爱链接。 3、影片里的父亲自顾不暇,所以“抛弃”了女儿。不由得想起我自己的经历。《当下的力量》这样理解父母带来的伤害:因为他们活在无意识里,他们活在思维里,而不是自己的本质里,所以他们受限于此,没有主动选择。对于他们的这种痛苦,唯一合适的反应是慈悲。也正是因为活在思维里,我们才会互相伤害。我不知道,未来是否能做出一些不一样的选择,来自于我的本体的。
讲述的是两代人的爱情 爸爸接受不了妈妈的离世 内心崩溃住进精神病院 抛下了十四岁的女儿 最终走出来 慢悠悠的恢复常规的生活 奥登对艾米丽 大概就是所谓的一见钟情 被电流冲击的腾空 这就是爱吧 哈哈哈 早餐? 装模作样的买东西 结账的时候说 只要花 我还想挺浪漫的 真是至死不渝 结果是捧着花去看爸爸 心疼艾米丽 山丘上冒出个男人 我还以为男二要出场了 没想到是个流氓 还好有枪 原本是非常美好的一个夜晚 结果看看奥登浓浓的黑眼圈 傻的可爱的一小伙子 旅途的风景真好 海边 沙滩 泳衣 和爱的人一起 在浪边跑来跑去 以前是爸爸 现在是奥登 这就是岁月的流逝和成长吧 写着写着怎么感觉像套娃 除了爱情 这部电影还有更深层次的东西 开头说了那么多 结果最后这种对生活的信仰 被推翻了 我认为吧 在工作学习的间隙 能不功利的去做某一件事情 有享受生活的能力 那小日子还是挺滋润的
The first half of the movie seems a bit of monotonous and boring, I can’t help being moved to tears at the end…
Emily is a middle school pupil lives in a foster family. All her schoolmates think Emily is a freak because she rarely speaks, is hard to get along with,offends the teacher, and even intentionally drowns herself once. Only Arden, a shy boy is always caught eyes on her by her mysterious temperament. Emily's biological mother died on one of her birthdays. Her biological father went crazy shortly after that and was institutionalized to the psych ward. Emily keeps in touch with her father through the birthday cards he sends her every year. When her father doesn't send a birthday card on her 16th birthday, Emily decides to take matters into her own hands. Enlisting Arden's help, she runs away, and the pair sets out on a road trip to break her father out of the psych ward.
I think Arden decides to help Emily for two reasons:
Emily knows nothing about the second reason. She thought Arden maybe look more innocuous than the others; and maybe he is just interested in her skin and body, which is as shallow as the others. Yet Emily has no choice because she needs one's help in her plan of rescuing her father, and Arden is the only one she knows in that city.
As their journey progresses, Emily and Arden must depend on each other as they learn about life, love, loss, and letting go.
Emily's world collapsed suddenly when Mr. Goulding, the Director of the psych ward told her the fact. Her father was volunteered to stay here, not by any duress,which Emily can’t accept. How her father, the one she loves so much, could leave her behind as an orphan, letting her face the malevolence of the world alone as a 14 ages child. She doesn’t understand. She feels angry and grief so deeply. Mr. Goulding is very gentle and kind, tries to explain more, so Emily could be comforted. Even the reason sounds like a series of philosophical enlightenments.
Yet I like every word of those sayings from Mr. Goulding,
“I often think the world turns out inside, Emily. People send the ones of physically and mentally innocent to me.
Have you read Plato? He wrote a great piece of poem——the Allegory of the Cave.
All the people are sitting a row in the cave, staring at the shadow flaming on the wall. For them, the shadow's the reality. One man frees him out, and finds a path out to the light. He’s down on the sun, and he’s enlightened. This man walks back to the cave, back into the shadow, back to free people. This man who saw the light, instead of basking in it, returned to help the others, which is according to Plato. A philosopher, this man is your father.
The problem with the shipping people out of the darkness, is that the philosopher himself is blinded by the glared sun, or by grief, can loss the graben of what is the real, and what is the illusion.
This place is a cave for many people.”
This movie has a happy ending. Emily and Arden find her father in her grandfather’s sea house. Emily forgives her father, and she doesn’t mention any clue of those horrible foster experiences in the past two years. They make an agreement that her father, as a writer will live in the sea house, and Emily will go back to Mrs. Joan, a sort of nice foster mother lately.
There are so many beautiful Irish sceneries in the movie.
One more plot moved me into tears at the end. In her grandfather’s old sea house, Emily finally asks Arden why he would take those hardships and dangers to help her? For any shallow purpose? Arden goes angry and leaves Emily alone in the house. But later when Emily says to Arden that she doesn’t want to go back to the house because of the complain on her father, Arden says to Emily,
“We can leave anytime if you want.”
Emily replies to him this time, “Thanks for coming with me, Arden.” Arden smiles shyly and scratches his hair a little bit, and says “You’ve welcome.”
When they walk toward to the house where her father is in, and also the car of Arden parks, Arden holds Emily’s hand and says,
“Come on. Why not say something about me to your dad.” ——What avirtuousquality!!! The very first time, Emily willingly does as what Arden says.
I see little piece of heartfelt seen of pure emotion. Story takes turn and some seen are just not what you want or unnecessary, but this story strictly tells us that emotions of human beings may be complicated, and the reason for the complexity is just simple:
We pay so much effort or even a whole life, just want to see we are loved by the one who we love.
Emily has found she is loved by her father who she loves. How about ours?
爱尔兰风光+小清新配乐+伊万娜奶音旁白 前半段剪辑和剧本都很吸引人 但偷面包开始就陷入俗套 海边露宿 男主演杂技 女主跳海 爸爸说我也不知道我在干嘛 就是觉得应该来找你希望你原谅我的莫名其妙的谈话 充满了瞎编的气息
想到了韦斯安德森的月升王国 我们总是把正常人送进精神病院。所谓的freak也不过是比空白多了点色彩
tips:1.song list :<Lille > Lisa Hannigan <apparatchik > printer clips <and if my heart should somehow stop > James Vincent mcmorrow <love letter> Lisa Mitchell <hideaway> Hudson Taylor <follow you down to the red oak tree>James Vincent <what we called love> Liza flume <you alone>James Vincent 2.remember to watch it on a rainy day 3.I love Ireland
#BJIFF# 7⃣️小清新治愈剧情配上久违的evanna通透空灵的声音和爱尔兰美景,反正我特别吃这一套。A fact is a point of view. OST也很好听。
太迷人了 好看的少年 美丽的风景 最佳BGM 还有被电击中般的爱情 一些人生哲理
A fact is a point of view, and a view can change. 被女主的这个理论洗脑了,好久没看这种小清新的公路片了,感谢北京电影节啊。 而且这片的bgm真的好听到爆炸
配乐很美,那句A fact is a point of view, and a view can change也印象深刻。有时候换个view,生活会变得美好许多,除非你没有能力change。