Yes, my facebook status last couple of days was: Eat, Pray, Love – false spirituality, fake feminism, total bullshit..
And there are famous chinese and western commentors that seem to agree with me on it. =) Eat, Pray, Love is a book and a movie about a woman who ditched her husband, go travelling to find herself, which in fact is to have a long vocation full of self-indulgence, eating in Italy, so-called praying in India and finding a rich man in Bali, and then go on to claim that she eventually reached self enlightenment.
The story is an insult to anyone out there in this world who take enlightenment seriously, who conduct real studies on philosophy, science, religion, art and hard meditation on life and everyday experience to be able to even just a little bit more enlightened. It's also an insult to real feminism, no matter how this work strives to pitch independence of women, coz in the end of the story, the only thing that seemed to rescue the main character is still a rich man and a romantic relationship. I am not saying feminism is to reject men totally, but to have a collected, independent and strong spirit so that man and romantic relationships are not solely the kind of things that a woman ever worries about. And for any women that don't understand what responsibility means can not even declare herself to be a mature adult let alone the equality that true feminism entails.
So honestly I don’t buy into any of those. Unfortunately we are living in a real world, not everyone is privileged and financially adequate enough to go on a trip like that and not work at all for a year or so to find oneself. The story is about self-indulgence, it's after all another cheap promoter of global consumerism at best, shopping your way to enlightenment, spending is helpful means to find yourself, girls.
I'd rather suffer my way to enlightenment. Simple life, no Gucci bags, no iphone, no expensive trips, no fancy restaurants. Through the great wisdom of Laozi and Plato, I try to realize where I am coming and where I am going. I embrace pain. It is my great fortune. I hold on to my belief. "Who speaks of victory", as once said by Rainer Maria Rilke, "Enduring is everything"!
惊 老美也有文艺片
意大利旅行,她看到热烈的情侣,本来些许失落,但桌上的一份pasta瞬间让她的寂寞面目全非。Send me love and light every time you think of me then drop it.旅行。美食。爱。契合了我所有想要的。
簡單來說她的救贖之途是用銀紙舖出來的。旅途上她遇到的人的遭遇比她坎坷那麼多,她自己輾轉反側不過無法承認自己是個胸無點墨矯揉任性的都市雜貨攤。毫無信念和信仰可言,一場但求feel good的bullshit盛宴。暢銷的愛情故事都只有一個教誨:換畫。(p.s. 中文字幕爛透。)
花了两个小时,一颗星给各处美景。罗伯茨真的老了= =昨天我看柴静专访姚大嘴的节目,她狂推这部片,真是她这一年的写照吧= =谁不渴望过这样的生活呢,但是不是每个人都像女主那么幸运,遇见好人好事
影评并不好 但是我真的觉得好久不曾看过如此与心灵相契合的电影 才熬夜到现在。很多人不理解我为何热衷于独自旅行 我认为这部影片道出了我的心声 人多太嘈杂 便无法看清旅程的点点滴滴 无法仔细欣赏世界上的和而不同 无法在旅程中与自己的内心交换想法 无法净化与成长自己的内心 独自旅行我能带着自己
仅意大利已够满足标题了。Javier Bardem一如既往的艳遇不二人选
作为2010年观看的最后一部影片,似乎有一些将来意义。正好符合我现在的状态。但我不能去环游,不能去诵经,可仍旧有很多方法, 让我彻底抽身于如此糟糕的2010,投身于充满希望的大部分被计划好的2011,从此刻起,我要认认真真地度过2011年。happy new year!