Koyaanisqatsi presents audience a very epic picture that combines nature and human civilization with stirring and avant-garde scores by Philips Glass. The documentary was recorded in the 1980s when human civilizations had reached a very high level to such an extent that human beings had the ability to send off rockets beyond the Earth to explore the universe and it all can be put down to rapid socio-economic conditions. After the second industrial revolution, human beings were empowered with light and oil and formed the conception of domineering nature. People exploited the resources from nature regardless of results and went all out to build the world. In the meantime, too much emphasis brought upon development made human stuck in the mechanism they build. Thus, by Koyaanisqatsi, meaning “out of control in Indian language, the director wants to express unbalanced relationship between environment and development.
From the very beginning, the picture of Indian culture, and debris falling from a soaring rocket is brought into view and for a while the shot is cut to extremely pristine, stately and grave images of nature such as ranges of rugged cliffs, deep valleys between which rivers flow peacefully, boundless deserts where no life exists from the surface, lava sending off heat and smoke, waterfalls cascading from a high place, cloud floating freely up in the sky and assorted flowers planted in neat and clean lines. After the movie has revealed the greatness of nature, audience are ushered in human civilization section that combines many wonderful inventions including a enormous truck carrying sand, a Boeing 747, cars like cells flowing through the arteries of traffic, tall skyscrapers like a mirror reflecting the movement of cloud, bombs denotating old buildings, people moving up and down the elevators underground, crossing the street from side to side, neon lights shining bright and middle-aged women in dancing costumes prepared for a shot and etc. In words, Koyaanisqatsi places nature and human civilization together in an attempt to hint at the complex binary relationship between great nature and maniac development made by human beings. To make it more precise, from my perspective, what the director wants to convey in these images is the greatness of environments as well as the bankruptcy of human civilization. For example, Mother Nature in the movie is presented as spectacular, impeccable, boundless and beautiful, while development made by human beings, to some extent, takes the morbid appearance in a modern context. For example, moving cars is presented at a mad speed, so much that audience are highly likely to get dizzy and overwhelmed. Ghettos are also included in the movie where poor and wretched people wander about aimlessly and rubbish is littered everywhere. Even in the very clean downtown center of big cities, countless people rushing in packs with their faces emotionless and indifferent show no tint of hope. The movie, by the accelerated movement of people, neon lights, cars, and other artificial products in civilized society seems to reflect the meaninglessness of the whole development as no people really enjoy it and they just move mechanically like machines. It is also noteworthy that the rocket shown at the beginning of the movie is brought into view again at the end of the movie, only with a different end. The rocket, instead of soaring upward, suffers a glitch and then gets swallowed in fire, falling down in rotation. This change is symbolic of the collapse and failure of development made by human beings. In terms of the target audience, those who sticks to putting development ahead environment protection is intended to receive the message that development goes overboard and adjustment is to be made.
NB,很有几分neo folk的感觉,生活一经高速播放,就会模糊掉方向和目的,进而沦为一块未知用途的电路板,可贵的是电影没有到此为止,转而继续记录麻木茫然的生活,火箭升至顶空,文明瞬间崩溃,一切回归尘土。。。
4.7/5.0“Interpol and Deutsche Bank, FBI and Scotland Yard, Business, Numbers, Money, People, Business, Numbers, Money, People, Computer World. Crime, Travel, Communication, Entertainment, Crime, Travel, Communication, Entertainment, Computer World. ”——Kraftwerk「Computer World」
受教了日常和奇观只离一个剪辑的距离 并且反而有种自己活在假象里的真实虚构的倒置(一个东西太真实就变得不真实&宏观和微观的交互 到一定阈值/盯一个东西太久就会想流泪 以及学会长焦的正确用法迷思1:纪录片跟vlog/流水账/国家地理 的界限在哪?2, 影像和音乐半随机组合 或许不需要内核?或者说 这个内核不需要任何叙事?前半段铺垫的冗长的自然景观 到后半段飞快的人类景观要惊掉下巴!像二维纸片上环行的蝼蚁 当摄影师的上帝之手把纸片立起 真的比看诺兰还刺激!整个观影过程头脑风暴找串联!911/当代爆破/playtime绿色的楼/2001/Andreas Feininger 5th Av/Archigram/Necrology人类下回再往宇宙发信息请直接发这部片子好嘛!
看了一半的时候觉得寡然,哪想42-66分钟全程高能,跑步机上high出了花。这中段节奏奇佳,Philip Glass的配乐功莫大焉(继续追)。相比这一段愉快跳脱对工业社会人的物化机械化类比剪辑,前段原教旨返自然与后段天谴论都显得陈腐与虚伪些个。
The universe is expanding, so whats the point? 转过年来再看此片依然是安眠养神的不二之选。只要在适当时机醒来。就会发现他的伟大。
呈现了影像在组织高度宏观和抽象世界这个维度上的可能性。你可以说是一种影像的社会学、哲学。但因为Philip Glass的音乐,它也是一部科幻片,一首长诗,或者一部现代社会的神曲。
Trilogy的第一部Koyaanisqatsi。其他两部名字没记下来,因为都太奇葩了竟然是什么Hopi语。果然纪录片都是带有某种宣传目的的手段,虽然所宣传之物不同,创作年代也不同,但Koyaanisqatsi利用slow motion而不是Man w/ camera的fast cutting达到了某种效果,以一种非人的姿态观看着世间万物。
摄影师Ron Fricke广阔的视角下充满了神一样的美感,导演节奏把握非常精准,即使没有语言,完全靠glass天衣无缝的配乐来推进,观众也犹如在看歌剧一般可以把自己的理解和情感带入进去。Qatsi三部曲的第一部,来自伟大的80年代,来自先锋艺术最辉煌的年代。